Woke up this morning to no emails. Unusual… there’s typically spam, if nothing else. After a few hours, no other emails came in. And then I noticed that there were a few new blog comments… and whenever there’s a new comment, I’m *supposed* to get an email notification.
So I checked with Earthlink… the email system seems to be down system wide. So if you’ve sent me an email to the “@ix.netcom.com” address, or sent me an order that I didn’t fill… I haven’t seen the email. Hopefully it’ll *eventually* show up.
In the mean time, if you’ve an unfilled order, or wish to contact me, use my other email address… the “@up-ship.com/blog” address.
Anti-spambot notice: the first part of both email addresses is “scottlowther”
Yes, I’ve sent emails from up-ship.com/blog to ix.netcom.com. Didn’t arrive. oddly, emails going the *other* way went through without a problem. Weird.
UPDATE: It seems to be back up and running. Oddly, todays emails – including numerous test emails sent from the up-ship.com/blog account, trickled in in a seemingly random order.
One Response to “Email troubles”
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This morning at about 6:20 AM Eastern, I received a Yahoo message that was exactly eight months late.
Back when Clinton was President, I was exchanging e-mail with a girl in California. She always claimed that when Clinton flew anywhere, nothing I sent arrived at her place until he’d landed.
It’s all magic.