Nov 022011

Operation could turn brown eyes blue

It seems that a laser can be used to blast the brown melanin in front of the iris. When its gone, light can penetrate further into the iris, and the end result is backscatter that looks blue (which is how natural blue eyes work).

This will be popular.

This will be *un* popular.

Last year I made mention of a skin lightener that’s marketed in India, and how that set off the professionally offended. It is, after all, the height of racism to suggest that a non-caucasian do anything to make themselves look more like a caucasian, such as lightening dark skin (it is, of course, perfectly proper for the lily-whitest white person to darken their skin or hair).  So a process that can turn any of the billions of pairs of brown eyes on this planet into Himmler-approved Aryan blue will cause certain progressive heads to pop right off.

Not mentioned is a technique for turn brown eyes *green.*

 Posted by at 10:25 pm

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