Oct 262011

Sci Fi authors take note:

Researchers Identify Mysterious Life Forms in the Extreme Deep Sea

The team documented the deepest known existence of xenophyophores, single-celled animals exclusively found in deep-sea environments. Xenophyophores are noteworthy for their size, with individual cells often exceeding 10 centimeters (4 inches), their extreme abundance on the seafloor and their role as hosts for a variety of organisms.

The researchers spotted the life forms at depths up to 10,641 meters (6.6 miles) within the Sirena Deep of the Mariana Trench.


 Posted by at 6:51 pm

  3 Responses to “Now that’s a big amoeba”

  1. Not Ick, but Awesome.

    This just helps provide evidence that there is extraterrestrial life out there somewhere. If life can exist in extreme conditions here then it is plausible it can exist in extreme conditions on another planet.

    As far as intelligent life goes, well… we’ll be optimistic. Maybe there are colonies of felines out there.

  2. A German Sci Fi author made more than notes,
    He writhe a Novel about a Intelligent Deep Sea Lifeform
    “The Swarm” by Frank Schätzing.
    here “Yrr” is a single-cell organisms that operate in groups and overlaid the oceans floor

  3. I was watching John Carpenter’s remake of THE THING not long after seeing the 2011 ‘pre-make’ in theaters. I saw the early computer simulation that Blair was using, with string like infective tubes.

    Then I saw this


    Makes you wonder. In terms of the whitest white substances, the blackest black and the most slippery, I found this:


    Some model building supplies might be had, if you want dark spacescapes and windows.

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