Oct 232011

Libya’s transitional leader declares liberation

Nice title for the article, yes?  But then there’s this:

…transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil … saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

Keep that in mind whenever you see someone in the US either calling for an “American Autumn” like the Arab Spring, or comparing the OWS fleabaggers with the Arab uprisings.

 Posted by at 10:32 am

  9 Responses to “Hands up everyone who didn’t see this coming”

  1. Hmmm…. again history repeats itself.

  2. Replace “Islam” with “Christianity” and he sounds like a GOP Presidential candidate.

    • Really? Which GOP Presidential candidate has suggested overthrowing the Constitution and replacing it with a theocracy?

      • Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are both financed and guided by Dominionism (a political movement that advocates that Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions.)

        • Once again: Which GOP Presidential candidate has suggested overthrowing the Constitution and replacing it with a theocracy?

          I recall the same hand-wringing during the Bush II administration, that he was a Dominionist. And yet nobody ever seemed to provide any evidence that he (or Perry, or Bachmann) espoused replacing the Constitution with the Old Testament. Feel free to post evidence that these two are more Dominionsts than Obama is a Black Liberation Theologist… a religion he spent 20 years soaking in.

    • Replace “Islam” with “free $hit” and he sounds like a Democrat.

  3. I thought Egypt might have a chance to end up at least semi-free, but I never really thought Libya did. Sigh…. And now it looks like Egypt is going to the dogs, as well… or to be more precise, to the military junta and the Brotherhood.

  4. Hi just thought i would certainly let you know one thing.. It is 2 times now i’ve landed on your website within the last 2 weeks hunting for completely unrelated things. Odd or what?

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