Sep 242011

How my shirt flummoxed the TSA

Where we discover that the high-tech full body scanners at Reagan International apparently cannot see through shiney shirts.

Freakin’ AWESOME.

 Posted by at 2:06 pm

  5 Responses to “The Next Great Threat: Shiney Shirts”

  1. What if someone turned the shirt inside out and cut the tag off?…..then what?

  2. When shiny shirts are outlawed, only outlaws will have shiny shirts!

    (A decade or so ago I saw a bumper sticker on a car at SAIC in San Diego: “When orbital particle beam weapons are outlawed, only outlaws will have orbital particle beam weapons!” I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the car belonged to one of your readers.)

  3. The tin foil hat crowd has been waiting for this day!

  4. Microwave scanners bouncing off shiny aluminized surfaces?

  5. So now we know why Tom Crummy and the space cadets wore those things…with the lightning bolt logo a conformal bluetooth antenna…yeah–

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