Sep 222011

As the title says.

One complaint about the article, though. FTFA: “NASA models suggest that the leading edge of one CME will pass by Earth at around 5 PM ET on Sep 21, at which point sky watchers should be on the lookout for auroras.”

Article posted: September 22, 2011


 Posted by at 8:47 am

  2 Responses to “Six coronal mass ejections in 24 hours”

  1. … and slowly, like the Mayan calender, things draw to a close in 2012…
    BTW, according to the Mayans, the next great ecxtintion will be due to jaguars.
    So if someone starts playing around with increasing jaguar intellegence like the chimps in “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes”, watch out.


  2. Don’t knock it; I once saw a aurora display that was bright enough to be visible around 10 minutes after sunset in a bright twilight sky.
    Still, looking back on the aurora from five decades of life, they sure don’t seem to be as frequent as they used to be.

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