Sep 092011

… it did not turn out well.

Egypt declares state of alert after Israeli embassy broken into

Egypt declared a state of alert early this morning after a group of 30 protesters broke into the Israeli embassy in Cairo last night and dumped hundreds of documents out of the windows.

The storming of the building came after a day of demonstrations outside where crowds swinging sledgehammers and using their bare hands tore apart the embassy’s security wall. Hundreds of people converged on the embassy throughout the afternoon and into the night, tearing down large sections of the graffiti-covered security wall outside the 21-storey building. For hours, security forces made no attempt to intervene.

I seem to recall a time:

1) The US economy was in shambles

2) The American populace was basically depressed, due to the economy, recent warfare, trouble in the Middle East, sky-high gas prices

3) The US had an incompetent boob for a President

4) A middle-east nation allied with the US had a revolution

5) The leader of that nation was a scumbag, but he was *our* scumbag

6) The US did not aid that scumbag in his time of need

7) The “revolutionaries” swarmed an embassy and caused all kinds of trouble

8 ) The scumbag was overthrown, and replaced with an anti-West, anti-semetic, pro-Jihadi Islamist government. Decades of hijinks ensue.

Gee whiz, I sure hope none of *that* happens again…

 Posted by at 11:41 pm

  7 Responses to “I’ve seen this movie before…”

  1. The Egyptian situation was probably to be expected after after the government’s fall (remember the Egyptian military killed Sadat for cozzying up to Israel.)
    But what doesn’t make any sense is how Israel seems to be doing its level best to destroy its relations with one of the last few friends it has in the world, that being Turkey.
    That relationship has completely come apart at the seams in the last couple of years, starting with the huge diplomatic gaffe of The Couch Incident:
    Now it’s gotten to the point where Turkey says that any future aid flotilla to Gaza will be escorted by the Turkish Navy, and you can picture that going way wrong, with Israeli and Turkish ships firing on each other, and if Israel fires the first shot, they will have attacked a member of NATO, with all that that implies for the mutual defense pact.
    Meanwhile, to make sure things fall apart even faster, Avigdor Lieberman has suggested that Israel support and even arm the Kurdish separatists fighting against Turkey to “punish” it for not being polite to Israel:,7340,L-4119984,00.html
    So you would then have Israel arming a group which the UN and even the US consider to be a terrorist organization, while simultaneously complaining about other countries giving aid to Hamas.
    And over it all hangs the specter of the Palestinian Independence vote later this month at the UN, when Israel could use all the friends it could find.
    Who’s in charge of the Israeli foreign policy tactics? The Marx Brothers?

  2. > and if Israel fires the first shot, they will have attacked a member of NATO

    Hopefully the Israelies will be more creative… and simply *ram* the “aid flotilla.” Or take a page from the Sea Shepard playbook and load the sea with prop foulers.

    > Israel support and even arm the Kurdish separatists fighting against Turkey to “punish” it for not being polite to Israel:

    More accurately, to punish Turkey for trying to destroy Israel as a way to boost Turkeys ratings in the Muslim world. Given the surprisingly large number of people that want Turkey to pay for their past crimes, pissing off the Israelies seems like a poor decision on Turkeys part.

    > Who’s in charge of the Israeli foreign policy tactics? The Marx Brothers?

    No, they’re too busy writing speeches for Obama. You should Donate to my Paypal account. Right away. There’s no need to debate.

    • I had to applaud how the Israeli’s handled the second Gaza flotilla.
      Some of the ships found that somehow abrasive substances had gotten into the lubrication systems of their engines or prop gearboxes after pro-Palestinian activists had visited the ships… others found that one or more blades were now missing from their props, and that this damage had somehow occurred during the night before, while they they were tied up in port.
      Wonderful things, rebreathers. 😀

      • Dirty tricks are the best tricks, especially when you not only don’t hurt anyone, but also get away scot-free. One wonders if the flotilla ships might have autopilots (or whatever they’re called for ships), and if the autopilots might just decide that it would be an entertaining lark to run aground someplace at full speed.

        • That’s Mossad at its best; nobody gets killed and your strategic aims are fulfilled.
          Another good case was sticking the computer virus into the Iranian nuclear reactor control system.
          “Sure, you can crank the thing up…but you might want to consider what’s going to happen if you start it and an hour later the cooling system shuts down and all the control rods completely withdraw at the same time.
          We’re not saying that’s going to happen of course….
          Hey, but it’s your decision.”
          Pure genius. 😀

          • Now the fun has really begun; worried about Iran developing nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia is getting in touch with Pakistan and asking “You make those things exactly _how_? Got any leftovers you would be willing to sell? We’ll pay top dollar.”
            The real fun part though is that people in parts of the Israeli intelligence community are telling Netanyahu “You know those deals that the Palestinians were offering us back in the late 1990’s about having their own country? After next week, when all hell breaks loose and the shit hits the fan, those are going to look like wonderful deals we should have taken in retrospect.”

  3. I wonder what has happened to poor Zahi Hawass…

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