Sep 022011

What I know of the comedian Katt Williams has largely been restricted to what I’ve seen of him on the “Comedy Central Roasts.” He’s seemed fairly funny. Now, though… I think I’m starting to become a fan.

Currently making the rounds among the racebaiters is this clip of him a few days back in Phoenix Arizona (NSFW language):

[youtube oBf2xdSIYCA]

A bit short of 8 minutes, it features him pointing out that, yes, in fact, is *is* the USA, not Mexico. That if you live in the US, then your allegiance should be to… the US.

I would not have been aware of this had I not just seen a bit about it on CNN. The anchorette had on a hispanic activist who seemed to think that this constituted “hate speech.” Now, he said some NSFW things to and about a specific heckler who makes it plain that “*this* is Mexico,” when in fact it’s Phoenix. But other than that… damned if I can find any “hate speech.” Certainly nothing that rises to the level of slander and vitriol and outright racism that certain members of the Democrat party have spouted lately.

Feel free to point out any *actual* “hate speech” in this Katt Williams bit.

“Motherf***ers think they can live in this country and then still be allegiance to another f***in’ country. If you love another country more than you love America motherf***er then get to steppin. … If you love Mexico b*****, then get the f*** over there!”

 Posted by at 1:58 pm

  7 Responses to “Spot the hate speech”

  1. Some Mexicans have never got over Polk’s War.

  2. Katt looks to be the natural heir to Don Rickles.

    Mencia seems passe, as the “R” word isn’t in vogue anymore, what with that tedious commercial that woman on Glee kept harping on about.

  3. I have never seen this Katt befor but I like what he said if you don’t like this country get the fuck out.

  4. Remember: it’s only hate speech if someone in a minority is offended enough to complain publicly.

    • Or if someone in a minority sees advantage to them in *pretending* to be offended. I have a hard time believing that much of this offense is actually real.

  5. He sounds reasonable to me….

  6. Obama should have him do his act at the White House.

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