Visited the Rock Island Arsenal Museum today. Used to live near there (parents still do), but I haven’t been to this museum in nigh on a quarter century (egad, I’m old).
The museum has a display case that runs floor-to-ceiling along two walls, and is filled with firearms from flintlocks to, seemingly, the 1970’s or so (not a whole lot in evidence of truly modern firearms). Included are the standards – M-16s, M-1 Garands, AK-47s and so on – as well as some rare and sometimes bizarre one-offs, including several versions of the “SPIW,” numerous versions of the M-79 grenade launcher (including versions with magazines or clips with multiple rounds), and a range of one-offs and experimentals.
Given sufficient ammunition, the Rock Island Arsenal Museum would be the perfect place to make a stand against the forthcoming zombie apocolypse. However, in case the neighbors Just Won’t Shut The Hell Up, Rock Island Arsenal has another interesting toy: the T131 280mm “atomic cannon.” When you absolutely, positively have to blow the crap out of someone at considerable distance, few things are a more entertaining way to do it than this gun.
2 Responses to “Guns, guns, guns!!!”
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We really should have mounted the atomic cannon in a giant tank. 🙂
Hey Scott, there are several videos of “Atomic Annie” posted on YouTube.
Imagine having that perform at the end of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture 🙂