Aug 242011

This is neat: an array of sensors across the US display vertical motion in the wake of the minor earthquake in Virgina yesterday (A.K.A. The Most Important News Story of 2011):

[youtube IKE7MLNdtcg]

A few things I find curious… the sensors are largely clustered north/south along the Mississippi, and Texas and Louisiana kept reverberating.

 Posted by at 9:46 am

  3 Responses to “Earthquake ripples”

  1. One wonders if the sensors clustered along the Might Miss are perhaps related to the New Madrid fault….which is probably due to ruin our days some time soon?

  2. The sensors along the Mississippi River are probably in anticipation of the next New Madrid earthquake. The story is that the last big one changed the location of the river, and for a little while reversed the flow. Maybe the continued activity is an indication that it’s still possible for us to hear church bells ringing in Boston as a result of an earthquake at the corner of Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas.

  3. The rock is said to be harder on the east coast. With the seismic grinding of the San Andreas (actually a plate boundary) West Coast quakes are felt more locally, IIRC. Bruce Bolt had a nice book on Earthquakes…

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