Aug 202011

Pot plants in firing line as Goldman Sachs cuts costs

Goldman’s troops are up in arms over the target of the investment bank’s latest round of cost cuts – the humble pot plant.

You only think you know what they’re talking about.

 Posted by at 6:14 pm

  4 Responses to “This headline doesn’t mean what you think it does”

  1. I wonder how many pots they could save if they shaved the CEO’s salary by a mil or two? Can’t have that though. “Screw the workers.”

  2. I dunno. Pot plants would go a long way towards explaining some of the decisions made at Goldman Sachs 🙂

  3. I ran this past an English friend of mine. He said that “pot” means the same thing over there, yet every “garden centre” sells pot plants and he’s never really thought about the double-meaning.

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