Oct 202008

Yesterday (Sunday) I finished packing up the car – a VW Golf – for the long drive back to Utah. It is rather more packed now that when I drove out to Maryland… a few pillows really take up volume. The last items to get stowed in the car were Tak and Raedthinn. I gave them a few minutes to roam around in the car before setting out. For a species that has extremely limited ability to form facial expressions, cats can still use body language to let you know that they are *not* happy. They seemed to recall the alst tiem I popped them in the car… several days of unpleasantness.

Anyway, yesterday I drove from Elkton, Maryland to Dayton, Ohio. I spent the day at the USAF museum… took about 1,300 photos (yay, digital cameras).  Tomorrow I set off again, aiming for my parents in western Illinois.




 Posted by at 6:10 pm

  2 Responses to “Ohcrapohcrapohcrap….”

  1. Resist the temptation to give the cats catnip to make them happy; you don’t need that feline lunacy going on in the car. 🙂
    I really envy you getting to the AFM, I always wanted to see that place – the B-36 in particular.

  2. re: ATK

    I’ve heard that from every person I know who’s worked there.

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