Aug 052011

Video: Gunmen Open Fire at Bus in Philadelphia

 Posted by at 4:53 pm

  One Response to “*Boggle*”

  1. Another fine example of societal decay!

    Truly tho’, the best part of the entire article, besides the fact that no one was actually hit or physically wounded, is the last line:

    “Defense lawyers argued that since no one was hit, no assault took place.”

    Really!? Perhaps we should re-evaluate that last couple of fools that tried to set off bombs in Times Square, after all, nothing actually blew up. This is the ultimate form of escape from responsibility… since no person got hit, no person is responsible for those evil and nasty guns going off and spraying the bus with bullets. Except maybe the manufacturers or the stores that sold them originally.

    I’d like to see the judge fine the lawyers for contempt of court for coming up with such utter BS… but, the fact that it’s New York means that is very unlikely to happen.

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