Oct 142008
The Internet is an amazing place. Where else would you find a politically conservative gay activist who puts together a convenient list of news items regarding the electoral fraud being perpetrated by an organization associated with a socialist Presidential candidate?
Here’s a sample:
- ACORN submits false registration forms in Bridgeport, attempts to register 7-year-old girl
- More on that 7-year-old
- 30,000 felons who should have been stripped of their right to vote still registered.
- Duplicate and irregular registrations in Hillsborough County.
- Two-thirds of voter registration applications delivered by ACORN are “of people who were already registered”
- Mickey Mouse registered to vote
Much more at the site…
One Response to “A list of instances of ACORN electoral fraud”
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Like I wrote, as soon as you make signing up new voters a way of making a buck, you have just opened up the door to fraud and corruption.
The Democratic party up here in North Dakota has got its act together this year to a degree that’s downright awe-inspiring…and frankly unbelievable…to see.
When asked which political party he belonged to, Will Rogers replied: “I do not belong to a organized political party…I am a Democrat.” 🙂
You would never know that this year; on both the national and state level the Democrats seem to have a plan as big and carefully worked out as the invasion of Normandy.
The Republicans certainly have helped them along by turning on their own presidential candidate, ignoring the Reagan Rule that: “Republicans never criticize other Republicans.”
There’s a interesting story about what happened to the old-school Republican Party here: http://www.amconmag.com/article/2008/oct/06/00029/
Comrade! Trotskyite Wreckers!