Oct 102008

The smallest nuclear weapon the US ever deployed was the “Davy Crockett,” using the w54 warhead (yield about 20 *tons*) launched by a recoilless gun. Range was only a mile and a bit, but with the low yield blast effects would be negligible. But you sure as hell wouldn’t want to be downwind of it.

The US Army Ordnance Museum in Aberdeen, Maryland, has one on display. Not having my Geiger counter on me at the time, I can only assume it’s either a mockup or a disarmed unit.

davy_crockett_1.jpg davy_crockett_2.jpg davy_crockett_31.jpg davy_crockett_4.jpg davy_crockett_5.jpg davy_crockett_6.jpg

 Posted by at 5:57 pm

  4 Responses to “Davy Crockett”

  1. Look here under Wee Gwen for more info.


  2. I don’t think that the ‘nose art’ is authentic. I’ve never seen it in photographs nor in the manual. But I always wanted to have one!

  3. As for the nose art… I think this might be the inspiration:

  4. […] tubes. Even with actual units on display at the museums at West Point and Fort Benning (and an oddly painted one at Aberdeen), there are surprisingly few photos of this thing on […]

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