Jul 122011

… when you decide to start making governmental exceptions for various religious beliefs:

Austrian Pastafarian dons colander for driver’s licence

Short form: An Austrian Pastafarian (a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) said that a colander is religious headgear, used during confessional. After three years, the Austrian drivers license people have agreed, and now he has his drivers license photo with a colander on his head.


 Posted by at 11:38 pm

  5 Responses to “This is what you get…”

  1. I guess the next step is a furry wearing Japanese brain-controlled cat ears.

  2. ROFL
    but typical for Austrian bureaucrats
    although Austrian traffic policeman (who have no sense of humor) will ask:
    “Ok from whatever institution are you escape from ?”

    one moment !
    the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ?!
    first Scientology, now them.
    damm hat happen to good old european cults like druids or Germanic deisms ?

    • The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was put forth by scientists in reaction to intelligent design. Basically, all of the arguments used to “prove” ID can also be used to “prove” the existence of the FSM.

      Visit the Wikipedia page or read the “Gospel” (the latter is quite funny).

  3. No, the next step is being able to marry your cat (or cats).

  4. ‘Pastafarian’ ………Haawwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

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