Jul 092011

Lots of Americans want to emulate the Canadian health care system. Let’s start with this part:

Illegal immigrants have no right to free health care: Court

An illegal immigrant has no right to free medical intervention or ongoing health care under the Charter of Rights, the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled in a precedent-setting decision. … 

“The program could not have been intended to pay the medical expenses of those who arrive as visitors but remain illegally in Canada and who, after the better part of a decade of living illegally in Canada, suddenly choose to try to regularize their immigration status,” says the unanimous decision, written by David W. Stratas and released this week.

 Posted by at 10:35 am

  2 Responses to “Canada: Not-So-Universal Health Care”

  1. It has been proposed seriously, off and on and recently, that American courts should consider foreign court rulings in their deliberations. I suggest that this be cited, in relevant cases.

  2. If you have a large country with lots of resources and not so many people–and control your borders–you can have that health care system. I don’t worship market forces or condemn them, since there are lots of other factors. If you are in a Shellfare State like Brunei or Dubai–no matter how you divy up billions, you are still rich. In Russia, however, nothing seems to work. Ironically, the worst time to invest there was in the immediate post-Communist era. If memory serves, it was actually when Putin put a lid on the kleptocracy that Westerners felt safe enough to invest–and got 30% returns from Gazprom

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