Jul 072011

Final piece of Bell artwork depicting a ground attack variant of the X-22. Similar in most respects to the previously shown design, it does feature a different weapons load… instead of bombs, it has a deployable pack of folding-fin rockets.

 Posted by at 2:06 pm

  3 Responses to “Ground Attack X-22 artwork: 3”

  1. Nothing like spamming rockets… 🙂

  2. I’m trying to figure out what the slipstream of the front ducts is going to do when it goes into the intakes of the turbine engines on the rear wing.
    This sounds like a good way to get a compressor stall, or at least get very irregular power output from them.
    The turbine power generating engines should be on the front, not rear, wing pylons.

  3. I wonder if hot gas ingestion by the front fans could be a problem. I see the rocket armament lets the plane stand off a bit compared to the bomb payload in the previous entry, that’s a big advantage when people are shooting at you.

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