Jun 282011

Karen Gillan ‘Doctor Who’ Star Found Naked In Hotel

Hello, nurse…

Karen Gillan, the British actress best known for her role in the Bbc sci-fi series Doctor Who, was found naked in the corridor of a luxury Manhattan hotel, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

Naked sci-fi redhead hottie? Hmm, this seems like it merits further investigation!

But then…

Following one night in ‘The Ace’ hotel, Gillan was found “whimpering” in the corridor at around 7am

Ah… oh. That’s… kinda depressing, actually.

 Posted by at 10:39 pm

  3 Responses to “This Story Is Useless Without Pics”

  1. Has the NYPD checked for IMF staffers at that hotel?

  2. She’s okay looking, but she’s no Billie Piper.
    I wonder what her reaction was if the hotel staff asked: “Do you want us to take to The Doctor?”

    • Now, all I can picture is this Dalek chasing her down the hotel hallway, yelling “For-ni-cate! FOR-NI-CATE!”

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