Jun 202011

The universe as revealed by science is fricken’ awesome.

[vimeo 24410924]

If you can watch that and not get choked up… well, then you ain’t me.

 Posted by at 6:11 pm

  4 Responses to “Cassini Mission”

  1. that why i love spaceflight
    only a spaceprobe like Cassini can make closeup of the beauty called Saturn

  2. I am at once overawed by the grandeur of the universe in which we live, and when this exaltation fades I am left with two counterbalanced observations of our current social/political reality …

    The first: We must to get out there. Dyson and Taylor’s Orion’s should be thundering into the heavens till every rock in reach has felt our touch and the solar system can be truly known as the home of Man.

    The second: We are prisoners of an accomplishment-limited society, an empty tyranny imposed by the thoughtless and the weak – my hope is that this may, one day, be overcome.

  3. William Crouch — right on, brother.

    Scott — man, thanks for posting this; I’d missed it. I just sent the URL all over the place to friends.

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