Jun 082011

How can you tell whether you’ve failed as a parent? There are a few ways. If you get arrested for your parenting, that’s a good way to tell. If your kid winds up on the FBI Top Ten Most Wanted, chances are good you’ve made a mess of things. How about a third way? Alright… if you spot your kid HERE, chances are good you did something really not quite right in the raising process.


 Posted by at 11:00 pm

  4 Responses to “Parenting FAIL”

  1. Don’t forget this woman:
    Well, if you’re going to be a completely pure libertarian and let people do whatever they want to themselves as long as it doesn’t harm others, you are going to end up with people who look like that from time to time, for whatever reason they want to do it.

    • It’s not for me, you, the government or anyone else to tell people that they can’t be damned fools with themselves and their money. And it’s not for you, me, the government or anyone else to tell people that they can’t point and laugh at damned fools.

      Has something to say on the topic:

  2. Although when our medical system is entirely nationalized, we’re all going to be paying for these damned fools’ hepatitis treatments and reconstructive surgery.

  3. I just lol’d when I saw that first pic; this made my day

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