Jun 042011

The Smurfs Are Racist, Anti-Semites, Antoine Buéno Suggests In ‘Le Petit Livre Bleu’


  • Papa Smurf is an authoritarian dictator
  • Smurfette is an Aryan ideal
  • Collectivist economy
  • Gargamel as anti-semitic stereotype
  • “Black smurfs” are inarticulate sick morons


EDIT: a documentary on the subject.

[youtube Qra0hlO6hZk]

 Posted by at 1:47 pm

  11 Responses to “The Smurfs Are Evil”

  1. My stepson claims that Papa Smurf is some sort of communist icon among the young who have a predilection for seeing such things – being the leader of a communal society. I guess the red hat is considered to be commie symbology too. I dunno. Back when my sister was watching them, and I would consequently end up watching them, they just looked like little blue anthropomorphs living mushrooms.

  2. I prefer this Unicef spot, always brings a smile.


  3. Smurfs are Nazis? Teletubbies with a gay agenda? We’ve got to get these two together. 😉
    I’m still wondering what is burning in those “magic ovens” the Keebler Elves have… or should I say _who_?

  4. There’s even a video called “Communist Smurfs”.

  5. I always thought they were creepy. I’ve sent this to my children. I’ll report any comments. My kids grew up watching that stuff on TV (well, every now and then).

  6. I’d rather have my hypothetical kids watch The Smurfs than Captain Planet.

  7. Smurfs were created in the 1950’s so they probably reflect the times to some extent. Subliminal messaging though can be taken too far. The Teletubbies as mentioned up top get profiled as gay by some people. Polish conservatives saw a threat to kids in Tinky Winky’s handbag habit…

    More here…


  8. Why is it that we attack everything as something evil ? If that is the case then Disneyland needs to be closed because all the people world wide that have been or want to go to those amusement parks must be involved in worship of rodents one of the most vile filthy creatures anywhere in the world. Smurfs are communist, so Obama is a Socialist who cares-get real people there are cartoon characters for children to have fun watching, parents to spend money on, people to be employed manufacturing them-it’s a business not a plot

  9. So true… they need to go and its also sexist. I mean only ONE girl and i hate the way that when she was a brunette, she was evil and then she becomes a blonde and shes accepted into the village. I must say I loved the Unicef commerical, maybe it should be the end of the second movie? Which they are sadly making.

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