May 242011

You bet there is. Sure, the Left as it’s generally constituted today is built on a framework of crazy (“weakness is strength” being just about chief among their platforms), but this doesn’t mean there’s not complete nuttery to be had on the Right. It’s sad and inexplicable, but religious extremism – at least, Christian extremism – is firmly fixed in the public mind as a feature of the Right. And some on the Christian Right are just plain crazy. Take, for example, this thread on Free Republic:

Humanity, Doomed to Extinction. And ABOUT DAMNED TIME.

When someone hears about people wanting humanity to be wiped out, it’s generally some far-leftist human extinction movement based on the wacky notion that mankind is bad for the environment. But above we have an example of what I ranted about just a few days ago… humanity-haters who want mankind to be wiped out and for they themselves to go directly to paradise.

There have been lots of things that taken on their own would be perfectly fine, but which have been tainted by association with evil. For example, the swastika. A simple, visually striking symbol used by cultures all over the planet. Unfortunately, one *particular* far-leftist culture appropriated the symbol, and now nobody can use it. Well, with respect to those on the Left and Right who want humanity wiped out, there is a simple descriptive phrase that would be perfectly accurate, but which has been tainted by association with evil: “race traitors.” In this case, the “race” is not “white” or “caucasian” or “Anglo-Saxon,” but rather “human.” These (let’s face it, evil) people are part of the human race but want it erased from existence.

For humanity to thrive long-term, a lot of the basic concepts of the Right will have to be allowed to reach full flower. Personal freedom of self defense and to make a buck with minimal regualtion and taxation are probably right up there near the top; a free, wealthy people can develop the technology and the will to leave the planet and spread to the stars. Once that occurs, the species – and those other Terrestrial species we take with us – will be in essense immortal. But for these precepts of the Right to be allowed to continue and grow, the crazier elements of the Right will need to be rebuked and denied. Anyone who wants mankind to be made extict is a detriment to any political movement, but particularly to a political movement based on the liberation of the individual.

 Posted by at 8:34 am

  5 Responses to “Is There *CRAZY* On The Right???”

  1. There are certainly some nutters on the right. For example:Glenn Beck who I liked until the last few months has gone utterly off his trolley. However, I really think that the example you cite is more likely a Moby or just a troll. Of course the freepers have been on a downward slide for a while and now seem to be trolls trolling each other so it gets into a gray area over there. Its sorta like 4-chan without the pr0n.

    • Glenn Beck lost me more than a few months ago. Back when he was busy investigating and ratting out the scumbags in this administration, he was doign good work. But more than a year ago he started to morph into just another radio preacher. Bleh.

      > the freepers have been on a downward slide for a while

      Indeed. When Jim Robinson declared that everyone who believed in evolution was a Marxist (and began banning anyone who argued on the side of science), the writing was on the wall. A pity. For a number of years there FR was a good place. Now it’s just another den of dumbth.

      • Several month back, Glenn Beck actually started to move toward classical Mormon history on his show…backed off though, which is a shame…as it would have been a ball to watch as he developed the concept and argued for it.

  2. As someone commented about Newt Gingrich’s “Big Tent” concept of the Republican Party a long way back: “You spread the tent wide enough, and sooner or later the freak show ends up inside the tent.” Having grown up with all the nutcases being in the Democratic Party, this is mighty strange to see, but a lot of fun for me also (as Will Rogers said: “I do not belong to an organized political party…I am a Democrat.” 😀 ).
    The Republican Party is bound to split into two or more parties in the fairly near future, and the way things are going so far unless he really fucks up, Obama is going to be a shoe-in in 2012 versus whoever he’s up against…by the time the Republicans have actually chosen a candidate to run, they will have around 3/4 of their own party against him as some sort of traitor to the conservative cause, whatever that is by today’s standards.
    If the Republican party is going to fracture, the sooner the better.
    2012 is probably already a lost cause, but within ten years one faction of it might be strong enough to become a viable new party in its own right.
    Ideally, you would get two or more new parties, as that’s exactly what the stagnant American political process needs…on both the right and the left.

  3. “There have been lots of things that taken on their own would be perfectly fine, but which have been tainted by association with evil. For example, the swastika. A simple, visually striking symbol used by cultures all over the planet.”

    Still, one scariest things I’ve ever seen in my entire life:
    Oh, yeah…we need this crew around in Russia.
    Let’s just crank up Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” to around 100 decibels and get a hammer or two, shall we?

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