Jul 302022

Well, it’d better be weird.

‘Max Headroom’ Series Reboot Starring Matt Frewer In Works At AMC Networks From Christopher Cantwell & Elijah Wood’s SpectreVision

Matt Frewer is said to be onboard to play Max again. One wonders if the way to go this time will be to use *actual* computer generated characters. That seems obvious… but maybe it’d be appropriately weird to stick with prosthetics.

 Posted by at 4:29 am
Jul 292022

In this case, a Stupidity Transmitted Disease.

First, a news video:

The guy with the pox here is said have likely gotten it from going to a bar and “kissing another person.” That’s… a little vague. Fortunately, he’s one of those attention-seekers who goes out looking for clout and ends up being a cautionary tale. Behold:

Gay Houston Man Battling Monkeypox Raises Awareness

“I knew what it was, I knew I was at risk,” he says. “I tried to get the vaccine, but I couldn’t. I thought I was being careful. Clearly, I wasn’t being vigilant enough.” 

Over the July Fourth weekend he went to several bars and, while he was shirtless, hugged and kissed a few men. The following weekend, he started seeing little white bumps under his chin. 

That’s… that’s just *stupid.* But wait! There’s more!

Wallace is going on a month of prescribed quarantine, but he thinks his lesions will be healed in a week and he will at least be able to leave his house again.


So, yeah. Another case of someone going out and actually *working* at catching the latest fashionable disease, then acting shocked. And if it stayed strictly within people who have no sense of self control – men, women, gay, straight, whatever – then… who cares, that’s on them. But these yahoos could well come into contact with, say, children. And children come into contact with *other* children. And viruses mutate, and the more people who have a virus, the more opportunities for mutation.

People this frikken’ dumb could doom us all.

 Posted by at 8:54 pm
Jul 292022

This incident appears to have occurred while the plane was still on the ground (what looks like ground crew dealing with it). Some sources say Spirit Airlines, some Allegiant. It seems to me that this sort of thing used to be a lot rarer.



 Posted by at 8:38 pm
Jul 292022

House passes assault-style weapons ban

It bans the sale and transfer of standard capacity magazines and weapons that are in common use. It’s chances in the Senate are slim, though not nonexistent; Biden will of course sign it. If it gets that far hopefully the Supreme Court will tear it apart before it can foment a civil war.

There were a few Dems who had some sense:

Democrats Henry Cuellar of Texas, Jared Golden of Maine, Ron Kind of Wisconsin, Vicente Gonzalez of Texas and Kurt Schrader of Oregon voted against the ban.

And there were sadly some backstabbers:

Republicans Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Chris Jacobs of New York voted for the bill.

 Posted by at 7:48 pm
Jul 292022

So this guy decided to go gambling at a Las Vegas casino. Normal enough. Parked his vehicle on top of the parking garage. Normal enough. But he left his puppy in the car on a day when it reached 113 degrees. Not normal, not good. Spent two hours inside. *And* he taped the dogs mouth shut, probably to keep the famously noisy Husky from alerting people to its plight..

Fortunately the casino security found (or was alerted to) the situation and rescued the dog through the sun roof and called the local police. Police body camera footage shows the moment the owner walked up and the cops response to him. The police officer maintained discipline and professionalism…  but you can tell … just barely. The officer was PO’ed, and rightly so. You can imagine that everyone involved here might well have been hoping that the owner would do something stupid (well, additionally stupid) so as to merit a few love taps from a billyclub. The police officers tone and actions just scream “contempt.” As well they should: I imagine cops dealing with brutalized children and animals must be about the hardest parts of their jobs (after getting shot and stabbed, obviously).

Looks like the casino staff put in a good effort… there are multiple uniformed security guys, a woman caring for the pup, and a guy in a suit who looks… ummm… a bit like A Casino Guy in A Suit You Don’t Want Coming For You. Also a guy with a bicycle who might have been just a bystander, or might have been the guy who found the dog. Shrug.

Some commenters at the twitter thread note that the dogs owner was not read Miranda rights before being arrested. But… Miranda is used to make sure the suspect is aware of their rights before being interrogated. I’m not sure that that directly applies here. It will before he is questioned at the station, but “Is this your car?” doesn’t really seem like that big of a deal.

Who would do this? WHY would anyone do this? Assuming the dog pulls through, I have little doubt that the line of people wanting to adopt it will wrap around the block.


Here’s some brain-bleach:

 Posted by at 5:32 pm
Jul 292022

This video is *claimed* to be some sort of official bit of Russian governmental propaganda, extolling the supposed virtues of Russia to get westerners to move there. But it comes off more like satire. When it says “beautiful women,” if shows two pre-adolescent girls. It claims “no cancel culture,” for the same country that’ll throw your ass in jail if you call the current war a “war.” It claims a “rich history,” but fails to mention that that richness is soaked in blood. It’s just *weird.*

 Posted by at 8:11 am
Jul 282022

Dead spiders reanimated as creepy ‘necrobots’

Taking a dead spider’s lifeless body and reanimating it as a robot is an idea that would be the stuff of nightmares for most people. But scientists aren’t most people. Recently, a team of researchers turned the corpses of wolf spiders into arcade-style claw machines that could pick up and move a variety of objects — including other dead wolf spiders.   


Because it’s creepy as hell, I moved the gifs of this scientific abomination below the break…

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 5:15 pm