Mar 222020

While lounging around feeling kinda sick (cough, elevated temperature… joy unbounded) I found this floating around the net today:

Not *quite* a plague doctor outfit, but getting there. I *believe* this is Estonia, but I dunno.

 Posted by at 9:30 pm
Mar 222020

Might we see the return of the Plague Doctor?

This outfit was intended to protect the wearer from the Black Death. But since nobody at the time understood just what caused the plague, the suit was worthless. But… with a little tinkering and ingenuity, it seems like it could be made functional. For starters, the leather outfit should be repalced with a modern impermeable material… kevlar coated with teflon or some elastomeric polymer, for instance. The “beak” on the original mask was filled with fragances and herbs, because they thought that the plague was spread by bad odors. But if the mask was made better, with a better seal around the face or head and with a replaceable N95-level filter cartridge int he beak, turning it into a truly functional virus-proof respirator. And the hat?

Leave the hat. Hat’s stylin’.

Another possibility, one I suggested some years ago:

There’s quite enough volume in there for a dandy respirator. It would need an elastic neck piece to seal your head in, and doubtless the design could be improved with larger eyes… but it’s hard to beat the aesthetics.

Or how about Professor Membrane:

A Howie lab coat with a large collar that serves as a partial face guard, goggles to protect the  eyes, boots and gloves. Install a respirator underneath that collar and you’ll be set.

Or just this sort of thing:

A kinda-stock motorcycle helmet, but modified with built-in N95 respirators and a neck-seal. Throw in communications equipment and a heads-up display derived from the latest iteration of Google Glass, and it seems like it’d be the must-have fashion accessory of the season.

 Posted by at 2:50 am
Mar 222020

A 1965 Ryan concept for a VTOL aircraft capable of high speed. Both the main wing and the vertical stabilizers were in fact stoppable rotors with three stubby blades. Some designs utilizing this system were capable of supersonic flight.

 Posted by at 1:15 am
Mar 222020

The Governor of Illinois closed down the state Saturday, banning a whole bunch of things and shut down a bunch of businesses. But the order, which can be read HERE, explicitly exempts a number of vital functions and businesses. Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks… stuff that you’d expect. But the Democrat governor of a whoppingly anti-Second Amendment state *also* exempted something rather remarkable:

Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations. Businesses that sell, manufacture, or supply other Essential Businesses and Operationswith the support or materialsnecessary to operate, including computers, audio and video electronics, household appliances; IT and telecommunication equipment; hardware, paint, flat glass; electrical, plumbing and heating material; sanitary equipment; personal hygiene products;food, food additives, ingredients and components; medical and orthopedic equipment; optics and photography equipment; diagnostics, food and beverages, chemicals, soaps and detergent;and firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers for purposes of safety and security;

Funny. When the fit hits the shan, even the lefties realize that they might need to defend themselves.

Exactly how this order is to be enforced is left as an exercise for the student, though it says this:

Enforcement. This Executive Ordermay be enforced by State and local law enforcement pursuant to, inter alia, Section7, Section18,and Section 19 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305.

Something to note here: Stockboys are officially recognized as “essential,” since grocery stores are essential. Oddly, I see nothing in there recognizing the same for actors or musicians. Hell, even the pot dealers are “essential.”

 Posted by at 12:11 am
Mar 212020

For the Kung Flu:

Gives data by country, but state, by Aussie state, Canadian province, Chinese province.

Column 2 is number of confirmed cases. Followed by deaths, recoveries and mortality rate. Behold the two states that, as of 21 March, have the most confirmed cases, New York and Washington:

New York 11,710 60 0 0.5% 0.0% 10,978 93.7% 57 95.0% 0 n/a
Washington 1,793 94 1 5.2% 0.1% 1,150 64.1% 54 57.4% 0 0.0%

Something that will take some explaining: NY has a mortality rate of half a percent. Washington’s is more than ten times higher. Bwuh?

China’s mortality rate is *reportedly* 4%, Italy’s is 9%, the US sits at 1.2%. Germany 0.4%, UK, 4.6%, Iran 7.5%.

UPDATE: a chart from Wiki. Sure does look exponential to me… and, sadly, this is to be expected at this stage. Even if the entire US went into full lockdown, it would take a while for those already infected to show symptoms.


 Posted by at 11:30 pm
Mar 202020

Too bad it wasn’t shooting down the enemy, but instead shooting up its comrades:

Mechanic ‘Accidentally’ Fires Vulcan Cannon & Obliterates F-16 Sitting on the Runway



 Posted by at 9:47 pm