Nov 102019

Stunned Fishermen Rescue a Deer Swimming 5 Miles off the Coast of Maine

Every now and then boaters find land animals far out at sea and it’s not clear how they got there. Unlike boatloads of colonizer migrants, it’s perfectly cromulent to bring said critters onboard for rescue; it’s both a “good deed” and a “good story.” Assuming, of course, that the critter isn;t somethgin dangerous like a bear or a snake  on an antifa.

 Posted by at 5:37 pm
Nov 092019

U.S.-born ISIS bride says ‘everyone deserves a second chance’

An American-born woman who once urged jihadists in America to “go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood,” says she “regrets every single thing” and believes she should be given the option to return to the United States with her young son.

Nope. She’s a US citizen, but I’d argue that intentionally going abroad to provide aid and comfort and babies to the enemy, while advocating that acts of murder be carried out on the streets of the US, is prima facia evidence of “no longer a US citizen.”

Buh bye, beeyotch.


 Posted by at 8:45 am
Nov 092019

Yeah… this one will need a *lot* of data to back it up:

Medical Company Claims They Have Discovered Cure For HIV/AIDS

Article is lean on details, but it’s apparently some sort of single-dose gene therapy. Which sounds like “ummm… sure…”

Considering that AIDS is a virus that doesn’t just invade the cell but splices its own DNA into the hosts, gene therapy would seem to be the only way to really be sure of a cure. But is gene therapy tech is sufficiently advanced that you can take a single pill or injection and the treatment will re-write your DNA…. well, I can see some fun times ahead in a *lot* of areas.

 Posted by at 8:37 am
Nov 082019


So, the net computer that went down: it’s a doorstop. Apparently the “spine” went bad; whether or not it was fixable was apparently a matter of debate, but I decided to just put it out of it’s misery and buy a new one, because, hey, if there’s anything I’m rolling around in right now, it’s big piles of ready-to-burn cash.

So now I’m re-loading everything I need onto yet another computer. Yaaaaaaaay. I’ll be back to bitchin’ about every damned thing before long.

 Posted by at 3:30 pm
Nov 062019

Forgive the lack of proper formatting and quoting; the computer still ain’t fixed.

Where the author claims that the solution to the “gun crisis” is not to ban guns, because that would be unconstitutional… but to ban all currently produced calibers of ammunition. That, somehow, would make criminals give up their lives of crime, because once they’ve burned through their nine millimeter ammo, they’re not going to get more from the black market of foreign ammo, and they’re certainly not going to go to the bother of reloading rounds.

“Freedom of the press” doesn’t mean you can ban ink or paper so long as you leave the actual presses alone.

 Posted by at 6:56 pm
Nov 052019

My computer remains at the shop. I have no expection of hearing anything for another day or two. Fortunately, “my computer” in this context refers strictly to the pawn-shop-purchased Chromebook that I use strictly for online work… none of my writing or CAD or scanning or any of that. It is ina  sense “sacrificial,” so if it gets fed through a woodchipper then all that’s lost is a bunch of bookmarks and logn passwords. Not that that won;t be a massive irritant, but compared to losing a few terabytes of 3D models and scanned documents…

Anyway, while I wait I continue the long task of unpacking. One thing I unpacked was my *previous* internet computer, a *tiny* and by now truly ancient netbook. As you can see it functions, but *damn* is it slow. Slow enough to make being online as painful as listening to an SJW give a lecture, so until I’m back to the “good” internet computer… I’m off of the net, back to unloading books from boxes onto shelves. Feel free to order stuff (*please* order stuff…. tell other people to order stuff), there’ll just be a longer than usual delay in responding.

 Posted by at 6:40 am
Nov 042019

No, not me, though with the constant piling on of problems it will surprise me none at all when my heart finally says “frak it” and takes a nap. No, this time what’s flatlined are the number of sunspots, which if this phone works right should be illustrated below.



 Posted by at 9:43 am