Dec 212018

It’s not being touted as such, but robots such as this European creation could help the US in a number of important ways:

  1. Keeping the ag sector healthy
  2. Eliminating the need and excuses for illegal alien farm labor

This robot picks a pepper in 24 seconds using a tiny saw, and could help combat a shortage of farm labor

There are lots of good reasons to be nervous about robots and computers taking jobs. But taking jobs currently done by illegal aliens? This can only be a good thing.

 Posted by at 8:56 pm
Dec 212018

For the surprisingly low buy-it-now price of $255,000.  Might need a little bit of work to make flyable, but chances are real good you’d be the only millionaire on your block with one of these.

There is a link there to a Dropbox folder with a bunch of diagrams and photos and whatnot. Most recent photos seem to be from 2015, so, caveat emptor. But imagine the fun you could have if you bought this, restored and completely modernized it… new, better engines, all new electronics and avionics, etc. Originally it had a range of 2300 miles; I imagine you could probably get another 50% at least if you updated the engines. You could probably even delete the outboard nacelles entirely.

 Posted by at 7:23 am
Dec 202018

The video below does not contain any of the original video, but rather discusses the content of the original video and asks “why does YouTube allow this channel to remain?” What’s in the original video that’s so objectionable? It’s from the channel of a 15-year-old Chilean kid who posts the usual gaming stuff… except for when he posts videos of himself brutalizing the family cats.

Kids that do this to animals need to be separated from society because it’s not only a certainty that they are already monsters, but it’s a safe bet that they will soon graduate to doing this to humans. Since the kid is in Chile, there’s nothing that US authorities can do. Therefore the question falls to YouTube: y’all banned a gaming channel because it showed violence within the violent game “Red Dead Redemption 2,” and yet you allow a channel to remain up that shows *real* violence? WTF, YouTube?

The Internet is a hellscape of decay and corruption; I’m just glad that, so far, the sensory inputs available online are restricted to sight and sound because I suspect strongly that the web would smell less like a garbage fire and more like a burning septic tank filled with infected decaying flesh. Still in all this misery there is hope in the form of Anonymous and Reddit and 4chan. As bonkers as those folks can often be… ya don’t abuse a cat around ’em. They’ll hound you to the ends of the Earth.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm
Dec 202018

There have been a lot of developments recently in the wonderful world of online speech and business that you might expect I’d love to rant and rave about. But I haven’t because… well, who needs *another* target on your back?

But now comes this story about small businesses that do legitimate business through Amazon, then discover just how easy it is for scammers half a world away to ruin or outright steal their business and their brand. And what’s worse, Amazon just doesn’t seem to give a damn, quite probably because there are not enough hours in the day for their limited staff to deal with all the legitimate and fraudulent complaints against sellers, so their default seems to be to nuke small businesses at the first hint of trouble.

Dirty dealing in the world’s biggest marketplace: Amazon

 Posted by at 6:41 pm
Dec 192018

I’m pretty sure that the commercials below, showing at least the commercial aspects of the Japanese take on Christmas, would be *exactly* the sort of thing that would drive SJWs up the freakin’ wall if it was, say, white folks in America making commercials about Kwanza or Dia de Muertos (i.e. “Mexican Halloween”). Since Christmas is a “white folks in America and Europe” holiday, I imagine I am, by SJW logic, supposed to be all kinds of upset about this, people from a foreign land taking “my” holiday and turning it into something laughably weird. But you know what? Shrug. You do you, Japan. Tell anyone who whines at you about “cultural appropriation” to cram it where the rising sun don’t shine.

I note a whole lot of Santa Claus, a *vast* amount of commercialism and a surprising number of Xmas Monsters, but I’m not seeing a whole lot of Christ or even Odin or Baldur in this. Again… shrug. The Japanese going gonzo over a weird, mutant version of a traditional Western holiday neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, but it sure is interesting and weirdifying to watch.

I must admit, the confluence of Christmas, Japanese culture and Kentucky Fricken’ Chicken did make my brain sit on pause for a second or two. At least from these commercials, it would seem that Christmas is fairly big in Japan, which is odd because Christianity isn’t. What would truly weird me out is if Ramadan or Yom Kippur start becoming a big deal over yonder.

That said, there was one part that *did* offend me: the Pizza Hut commercial. What THE HELL is on those pizzas?!?! NOOOOOOO!!!! You’ve ruined pizza forever!!!

 Posted by at 9:17 pm
Dec 192018

The trailer for the new reboot of “Hellboy” was released today. It’s clear that they’re not reliant upon the first two movies, but are making this their own thing. I’m uncertain as yet. A whole lot of CGI, rather than the practical effects critters from the first two.

 Posted by at 6:29 pm
Dec 182018

There are two possibilities here, it seems to me.

1: The story is as claimed, that an AI watched a thousands hours of Hallmark Christmas movies and produced a Christmas movie script

2: Someone just faked up the script and claimed an AI did it.

(I have my suspicions that this is more the result of human than AI, especially given the rest of the creators tweets. Perhaps a script was written then fed into an older model translation program, translated into Japanese, then Hungarian, then Tagalog, then back into English.)

In either case, this is *way* better than Woke Poetry.



 Posted by at 10:18 pm