Jul 232018

Dan Harmon of “Rick and Morty” deletes Twitter account after rape joke video resurfaces

Harmon is a far-left extremist, having claimed that 30% of the American public are Nazis. So him getting hoisted on his own petard… well, as I’ve previously and repeatedly pointed out, I’m not a fan of people having their careers trashed because of online outrage, especially over bad jokes, *especially* when it’s a summary execution. But in Harmons case… well, them’s the breaks, Bubbles. This is the world you wanted, Dan.

Here’s a good summary, with bits of Harmon’s politicking and bits from the video in question (which cuts off just before the naughty bits):

Again, it was an attempt at humor. But I’m really quite stumped by just how funny these left-wing specialists think pedophilia jokes are. I’ve made a whole lot of bad jokes in my time. Dark humor, gallows humor, offensive stuff… it’s all good. But pedophilia? Can’t say as I recall *ever* making a joke about that.


The video below says that 29% of the population are Nazis… and that they should be killed.


 Posted by at 7:29 pm
Jul 232018

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site in Turkey of *vast* interest. The site dates to something like twelve *thousand* years ago, by far the earliest sign of monumental engineering. The culture that erected the stone structures there has been completely lost; it is effectively an alien world, dating from a time when humans ran into cave bears and mammoths and aurochs. It’s virtually like a window into the Hyborian Age.

It will be some decades before the site is fully excavated. But in the mean time, studies of the site – a hill – using ground penetrating radar have shown that the site covers a considerable area. Assuming the Islamic State, the Turkish Government, or some other group of whacked out nutjobs doesn’t trash the place, it should prove to be invaluable.

One interesting and useful website full of information on Göbekli Tepe is:

 Posted by at 2:49 am
Jul 222018

This video, while being in somewhat poor condition, having a giant watermark splashed on it and having what seems to be added sounded effects, is just plain interesting, showing the effects upon two QF-80 drones flying not far above a 1955 nuclear test. Both drones were equipped with film cameras in the cockpits that looked aft, so you can see how the horizontal stabilizers fared; the first shows the mushroom cloud rapidly rising behind the aircraft. This is a somewhat impressive shot.



 Posted by at 11:34 pm
Jul 222018

Fingers is not the same since Raedthinn died. She has become lethargic, as I suppose one might expect. She does not seem to go around the house looking for him; it seems she knows he’s gone for good. She does purr a *lot* more than she used to when she was *way* from him. It used to be that the only time she purred was when she was putting the moves on him; if he wasn’t near, she didn’t purr. Now she purrs in three places:

  1. Raedthinns old corner of the bed.
  2. The front window.
  3. On *me.*

She has become a lot more affectionate with me. I guess I’m her rebound guy. Look how thrilled she appears to be with that.

 Posted by at 10:31 pm
Jul 222018

Some recent photos. Nights have been slightly cloudy, which is both good and bad for photography.

More photos below. The difference between “red” and “blue” is the white balance… red is balanced for sunlight, blue for sodium lamps. The ATK facility some miles from here along with the major metropolitan areas of Thatcher, Bothwell and Tremonton, add a good deal of light pollution to a somewhat dusty sky.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 6:39 pm
Jul 222018

It’s otherwise difficult to explain this:

Obviously, the “Trump emboldened” bit is weird and inexplicable, but then so is someone walking around with a Nazi shirt that freakin’ blatant in Albany, NY.   Options:

1) He’s bugnuts and thinks he’s stylin’.

2) He lost a bet.

3) He’s tired of life, can’t bump himself off for religious reasons, and is advertising for some accommodating leftist to bash his head in.

I’ve never understood the people who *unironically* wear Nazi symbology. But then, I’ve never understood anyone who wear Confederate or Soviet symbology, either, or who’s a big fan of executed serial killers. “Look at me! I’m on Team Loser!”

 Posted by at 1:38 pm