Mar 222018

If you fire off a powerful enough laser that comes to a tight enough focus, you can yank the electrons off atoms of plain old air. This will create a little ball of plasma… a little bright, loud explosion. Handy enough if what you want is a little bright explosion in the air. If, however, you hit that ball of plasma with a second, properly tuned laser, you can manipulate that ball to plasma to explode in specific ways. Thus it need not just go “BANG,” you can – at least in theory, make it go “HI THERE.”

Unsurprisingly the DoD is interested in just such a technology. At a simple level, the ability to create a distressingly loud and unending series of BANGs in the air at a great distance would be a handy tool to harass the enemy. Imagine you’re hunkered behind your wall and all of a sudden a machine gun starts going off directly above you. Ya ain’t gettin’ no sleep tonight!

The eventual goal, though, is not simple BANG, but instead to make that little ball of fire *talk.* Using it for basic communications? Meh. What you want is to get it to say stuff like “Hey, this is God. Guess who’s pissed off at what you’re doing right now…”

The video below shows a series of tests. Most involve the creation of BANG at a distance… certainly of military value. But the two last bits are potentially the most interest. Second to last seems to show the creation of a stable little “ball lightning,” a glowing sphere on the order of a centimeter in diameter that just floats there in space (if I’m seeing it right). The last segment shows attempts to make something like a human voice. There is a series of rotating mirrors involved, which seems a little problematic as I doubt this is something you’re going to find the enemy normally equipped with. But one of those tests does create something somewhat like a human voice. It’s gibberishy and heavily buried in a high-pitched noise, but potentially promising. Even if they can’t make it talk as such, if they could at least get rid of the high-pitched noise, leaving just a ghostly “voice outta friggen’ nowhere” could have an entertaining effect on the enemy. Especially at night. Keep up the “machine gun fire” on them for a week or so, drive ’em buggo, then finally give them a chance to catch some Zzzz’s… then have ghosts start whispering nonsense to them. I can see this driving people batty, perhaps even causing the enemy to turn on each other like psychos.

From HERE.

 Posted by at 10:19 am
Mar 212018

Well, this is worrisome:

YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate

“We routinely make updates and adjustments to our enforcement guidelines across all of our policies,” a YouTube spokeswoman said in a statement. “While we’ve long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale or manufacture of firearms and their accessories.”

YouTube is a private company, so their repeated decisions to shut down speech from those on the right or conservative or libertarian viewpoints is, I guess, legally fine… it just seems like a bad idea both for the culture as a whole and for YouTubes business model. The article above points out that one gun channel has already relocated to PornHub of all places. As more and more conservatives find themselves cut off on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and such, right-wing alternatives to those platforms will necessarily establish themselves. And while that will be a necessity for those on the non-left side of the political spectrum, it will be bad for society as a whole. We’re already pretty badly separated; having those on the right using completely different communications systems from those on the left… that won’t exactly promote unity, will it.

Additionally: by expelling the perfectly normal non-leftist content, decisions like this will not only separate the sides, this decision will help move the sides to their fringes. Take a hypothetical science fiction author for an example: let’s say he stood a chance of getting published by a major publisher. But then the major publisher decides that the authors middle of the road moderate libertarian, or conservative Christian, or rock-ribbed Republican worldview is unacceptable. The author gets blackballed from the major publishers. And it turns out that the only publishers willing to publish the author might happen to be *actual* far-right publishers. It then comes down to a decision between being unpublished, or being published alongside crazy fringe stuff. The author might take the latter course out of financial need. So now a moderate author is promoting and helping to fund far-right extremism, because the author had no other choice in the matter. Not because the far right held a gun to the authors head, but because the far *left* did.

So now the author is writing for a far right publisher, for readers who increasingly skew far right. It is now in the authors financial interest to skew his or her future works ever further right.

So by trying to silence moderate conservatives, communication companies that are run by lefties create a burgeoning right wing communications industry, as well as a mountain of anger and resentment.

The future’s looking spectacular.

That’s sarcasm, by the way.

“Free speech” alternatives include: an alternative to YouTube whoopsie, it shut down in December.

BitChute: alternative to youTube alternative to Twitter, apparently quite the hangout for trolls and such alternative to FaceBook, with a Patreon-like function. A Patreon alternative that started off with the likes of actual-Nazi Richard Spenser

Wesearchr: an alternative to Kickstarter

I’ve not used any of these. I have from time to time contemplated actually making some use of the YouTube channel I have (which, to be honest, I don’t even remember where it is…) by posting videos that each describe some project or other from US Aerospace Projects. Whenever I think of this idea, I think the way to do it is entertainingly and with humor. And every time I think of it, I notice yet another news report about how YouTube is sticking it to the small timers, demonetizing any videos that deal with weapons (which, of course, most of the projects I’d cover would be classified as) or whatever the last skullduggery is, and my enthusiasm for the idea fades.

Oddly, over the past couple of weeks I’ve given a series of interviews on the Orion project for a documentary, where  my recordings will reportedly be used to do some voice overs due to me being – apparently – entertaining on the topic. Shrug.

 Posted by at 9:37 pm
Mar 212018

It’s no great revelation that a lot of comics make important observations on society. Where a lot of comics fall down is when they go distinctly political… say “Republicans/Democrats are great/the Devil” and the comic promptly loses half the audience, and any wisdom the comic may have to impart is also lost. (Yes, I recognize the irony… if I had never made any explicitly political posts hereabouts, my income would doubtless be much higher.) But if you make the same point *without* direct reference to political affiliation – or indeed even to politics – you may go much farther.

Take, for example, Brad Williams. In the hour-long stand-up set in the YouTube video below he covers the usual stand-up stuff (including Naughty Bits With Anlgo-Saxon Terminology, so NSFW). But he ends with a story about how his father raised him that is *really* interesting. It is of course impossible to tell if the story is accurate, or invented out of whole cloth, or somewhere in between, but it seems to be to be a *fantastic* allegory about how things *should* be and too rarely actually are. You can view it as a great yarn about society, about politics, or about a father and a son, or even as simply a funny story… but you should at least view it.

The video *should* be cued up at the right point, but if not the relevant bit starts at 47:35.


 Posted by at 5:32 pm
Mar 212018

We’ve got Chinese space stations crashing down on our heads. Bridges collapsing. Whackos setting off bombs. Whackos shooting up schools. Whackos trying to burn down science. Whatever the frak is going on at the White House.

But at least someone has finally shown the world a reliable means of quickly defrosting a frozen turkey:


 Posted by at 10:04 am
Mar 212018


Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series reportedly to cost $500 million

Just getting the rights apparently cost $250 million.

Still no details on the plot of the show other than it’s a prequel series. it would be neat if it was an adaptation of “The Silmarilion,” but I bet that it’ll be “all new,” set between “Hobbit” and “LOTR.” or if it’s a prequel to “Hobbit,” it’ll be only shortly before. A “Silmarilion” adaptation would seem damn near unfilmable since even the *world* would be weird and different, but for $250 in production costs for two seasons… shrug, maybe.

 Posted by at 10:00 am
Mar 202018

Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug’s ‘Nazi salutes’

A Scottish YouTube comic trained his pug to lift it’s paw to “Seig Heil.” Not to make an actual Nazi pug, but to make a joke. As a result, he faces a year in prison. This, again, is in Britain.

Recommendation to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg: don’t go to Britain.

You’d think that, with the 1st Amendment, this sort of egregious betrayal of basic civil liberties would be impossible in the United States. You’d think. But do you want to bet on it?

 Posted by at 6:34 pm
Mar 202018

I think I’m out, and they keep sucking me back in…

Profs claim scientific objectivity reinforces ‘whiteness’

OK, let’s forget the nonsensical race-based identity politics that the University of Colorado/Denver professors are pushing. What *really* grinds my gears is this:

“This way of knowing science in the absence of other ways of knowing only furthers whiteness and White supremacy through power and control of science knowledge,” they maintain. “As a result, our students of Color are victims of deculturization, and their own worldviews are invalidated, such as described by Ladson-Billings.”

Other ways of knowing.



These jackwads want to equate superstition and tradition and folklore and just pulling “wisdom” directly from one’s own rectal cavity with the hard work of hypothesis and testing and data gathering and reason… and, most importantly, questioning your own suppositions.

To that I say…

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 9:56 am
Mar 202018

MIT librarian: Tech workplaces plastered with Star Trek posters, other geeky stuff is non-inclusive to women

Because this image drives women away from the tech professions:


And I suppose the following sort of Star Trek posters – most of which I admit to actually owning copies of, because they’re friggen awesome,  fight me – must be like wolfsbane to the snowflakiest of the SJW set:

Bah. Listen: if you are in the tech industry and this sort of thing offends you or disturbs you or in any way has a “negative impact on your likelihood of pursuing tech work,” consider that TECH WORK ISN’T FOR YOU.

And if you need confirmation that the subject of the post is a little on the screwy side, take a look at her blog posting, which has such nuggets of wisdom as:

Or at least, lots of the visible manifestations of culture are local. There is research that shows that workplaces that are plastered with stereotypically “tech or nerd guy” cultural images – think Star Trek – have negative impact on women’s likelihood of pursuing tech work and of staying in tech work in general or in that particular work environment. Replace the Star Trek posters with travel posters, don’t name your projects or your printers or your domains after only male figures from Greek mythology, and just generally avoid geek references and inside nerd jokes.  Those kinds of things reinforces the stereotypes about who does tech; and that stereotype is the male nerd stereotype.

Translation: Nerds: stop liking nerd stuff and being proud of your nerd-dom. Identity politics and group pride is fine, just not for you.

I also want to urge you all to pay attention to the kinds of informal socializing you do at work and in those liminal spaces that are work/social – if all the guys go to lunch together and not the women; then maybe stop doing that. And if the guys go to lunch and talk about women, then really, really, really stop doing that.

Translation: Men: stop expressing interest in women. You know, the thing that has kept the species alive.

If there’s a core group of guys who go out for beers after work just because you’re all friends, that’s kind of OK; but if you also talk about work and make decisions then it is definitely not OK.

Translation: Men: consider not having other men as friends, that’s at best “kind of OK.” But for the love of The Divine Goddess, do *not* have any interest in your career outside of work hours. I mean, come on. That’s just sense.

And then right at the bottom of her post:

Comments are currently closed.

Imagine that.

But there’s also this:

Another thing individuals can do to improve the culture and make tech more inclusive and welcoming is to be an active bystander and ally. If you see something, say something. If other men are talking over women, jump in and say “Hold on dude, I really want to hear what Cathy was saying.”

Note how she *doesn’t* suggest that Cathy needs to learn to assert herself. Assertiveness is a key to not only being heard, but to being *accepted* and *understood.* Trying to suppress discussion down to the level of the quietest, meekest member is a good way to utterly trash group morale and enthusiasm.

But I think that just might be the point.


 Posted by at 9:06 am