Oct 232016

There’s no horrible concept that can’t be so over-applied by the easily offended and the social justice warriors that it becomes meaningless. Witness “racism.” We’ve all seen how, over the last few decades, “racism” and “racist” have been thrown around so much that the words have become almost totally meaningless. When you can be called “racist” because you don’t like the tenets of a universalist religion… the word doesn’t mean much. Well, it has taken another step down the ladder of irrelevancy:

Angry clowns confront store owner over ‘racist’ ‘No Clowns Allowed’ sign in London, Ont.

Short form: if you dislike clowns, yer a racist.

A generation or two ago, even clowns would not have made that leap. But thanks to the SJWs, *anybody* can claim “racism” for *anything.* Don’t like “Star Wars?” Racism. Don’t like broccoli? Racism. Don’t like Country & Western? Racism. Don’t like the font I’m using? Racism.

 Posted by at 7:50 pm
Oct 222016

You ever heard of “reverse psychology?” A lot of SJW’s don’t seem to have. For example, Brock University in Ontario, Canadia, has an annual Halloween party. And they have a handy-dandy instructional page that orders you what*not* to wear, Because Reasons. “Vetting Halloween costumes isn’t a matter of telling people what to wear.” Except, of course, that it’s telling people what not to wear, or otherwise they won’t be allowed in the door.

Isaac’s Halloween Costume Protocol

And who will be doing the determining if a costume doesn’t rise to the standards proposed?

…and can enter Isaac’s once the costume has been deemed appropriate by team of Isaac’s Bar and Grill Management and Student Justice Centre Staff.

So, you know, staff that have been roped into doing this, overseen by footsoldiers from the universities Junior Fascist League.

There is even an infographic:

It would be somewhat entertaining if a large group of people showed up early dressed *exactly* wrong, weren’t allowed in, and decided to hold their own impromptu party just outside, accidentally blocking access to the entrance.

Of course, this sort of thoughtcrime is not restricted to this one university:

University of Florida offers counseling for students offended by Halloween costumes

Remember how a week or so ago the question came up of “what makes a man” and/or “what does masculine mean?” If you are so weak in mind and integrity that someone wearing a Halloween costume drives you into counseling… you ain’t a man.

 Posted by at 8:05 pm
Oct 222016


McMullin surge threatens to squeeze Trump’s already narrow path to victory

Short form: Independent Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is well ahead of Clinton and essentially neck-and-neck with Trump… here in Utah. Chances are currently *really* good that Utah will go “independent” this year. McMullin doesn’t actually expect to become President this time, but part of his strategy is to win enough electoral votes –  in Utah, perhaps Idaho, Arizona, Idaho – so that *neither* Trump nor Clinton garner enough electoral votes to automatically become President. In that case, the decision will go into the hands of the House of Representatives. And perhaps they will produce a better President than either of the two freakish losers who are our current choices.


Fans watching fewer NFL games cite protests as primary reason

NFL ratings are down about 10% from last year. Something like 40% of those polled who said they were watching less NFL said their reason for watching less was annoyance at the constant anti-America protests by privileged snowflake millionaires like Kaepernick. At some point the NFL might start looking at the protests as a money-losing proposition.


Danish nationalist charged with racism for ‘refugee spray’

Apparently Denmark is one of those lands where simply expressing unpopular opinions can get you arrested, fined and jailed. In this case, for handing out cans of “refugee spray” that are supposed to help Danes feel safe against “refugees.” Seems to me that in a rational world, the guy who handed these out would only get in trouble for the false advertising… the cans are simply relabeled hair spray. To be effective, you’d think the cans would have to be pepper spray.

 Posted by at 10:04 am
Oct 222016

So today some hackers displayed their power and took down Amazon, Twitter, PayPal and others for some amount of time. Everything *apparently* got all cleaned up, we’re back to normal, it’s all good, blah, blah, blah. Yeah.

Here’s my cheery thought for today: just wait until they get into important online data storage systems. Imagine that they manage to lock up The Cloud with ransomeware and demand One Hundred BIIILLLLLION Dollars. Or they simply corrupt it all. Move all the zeroes to one side of the server, all the ones to the other. And stack up the twos in a small pile right up front.

Amazon goes down? Bad. PayPal goes down? Really bad. Online stored data becomes unavailable? Economies collapse. Careers are destroyed. Authors life works vanish. Billions of man-hours of in-progress effort vanishes like a fart in a hurricane. A few dozen million families photo and video albums disappear.

What do *you* have stored in “the Cloud?” Do you have it backed up offline?

 Posted by at 12:21 am
Oct 212016

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Extremely Cool cartridge conversion of the cap-and-ball LeMat revolver in WestWorld is somewhat fanciful due to the engineering requirements revolving around the central shotgun. Still, a LeMat was made into a cartridge gun for the old TV series “Johnny Ringo,” though apparently only blanks were fired. And there was a true cartridge LeMat, as shown in the vid below, but it was a fugly failure. One wonders if clever modern engineering and modern materials such as titanium alloys might allow for a truly functional LeMat cartridge pistol.

 Posted by at 8:02 pm
Oct 212016

The ESA’s Schiaparelli Mars lander failed to land on Mars yesterday. That’s not to say it didn’t make it to Mars… it just made it there a little faster than it should’ve. Ten parachutes were cut loose too soon and the braking rockets didn’t burn long enough, so it fell out of the sky with an Earth-shattering kaboom. Well… Mars craft have had a pretty unfortunate record.

What’s impressive is that there are enough satellites orbiting Mar that the crash site has already been spotted:

Camera on Mars Orbiter Shows Signs of Latest Mars Lander

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted both the parachute and the scorch mark using its low-rez “Context Camera.” The high-rez “HiRISE” camera will be trained on the site in the near future.

 Posted by at 5:10 pm
Oct 202016

Well, this is just super. On January 1, 2019, the New Horizons probe will pass remarkably close to Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69, a chunk of something about 19 to 28 miles across. Telescopic examination has shown it to be reddish, redder than the splotches on Pluto and Charon. The scienticians will tell you that the redness is due to the presence of tholins, reddish-brown chemicals produced when simple organic molecules like methane are exposed to ultraviolet light. But come on, we all know the score… this is a chunk of frozen blood left out in deep space by the fungi from Yuggoth or Yog Sothoth or the Ogdru Jahad or Scientologists. The only question is, what’s the blood *from?* Will New Horizons provide the answer… and will that forbidden knowledge drive everyone *insane?* Personally, I suspect not. The flyby won’t occur until 2019… by which time I expect that the Earth will be a smoking radioactive ruin. Nobody will be manning the radio receivers to hear what New Horizons has to say. Those few who survive will be too busy trying to scratch a living out of the blasted Earth under a smoke and ash filled sky, daily battling hordes of mutated social justice zombies and Kardashidemons.

 Posted by at 3:16 am