Mar 122016

I recently finished George R. R. Martin’s novel “Tuf Voyaging.” This is a fix-up… i.e. a collection of short stories stuck together as a novel. And it’s a good read.

The stories revolve around one Haviland Tuf. From a certain point of view Tuf is a sci-fi cliche: he’s a trader, hauling merchandise from star system to star system on his own personal FTL starship. This could be Han Solo… but he ain’t. Tuf is 2.5 meters tall, chalk white, devoid of any hair and extremely fat. He is *not* a sex machine; indeed, unlike Captains Kirk and Solo, he dislikes physical contact with humans, including women. Numerous personality quirks point to Tuf having something akin to Aspergers Syndrome. And he has cats. What little affection he shows throughout the ten years covered in the book is lavished upon his cats.

As the story starts, he is seriously down on his luck. But soon he comes into possession of a new ship… a “seedship” produced a thousand years earlier by the “Federal Empire.” That was the peak of mankinds technological prowess and power; the seedships were built to fight a war against an alien race, and while humanity won the war, the end result was an interstellar collapse of civilization. The seedships were not just big warships, though… they were biological warfare platforms, capable of cloning viruses, pests or monsters to drop on enemy worlds to attack the populace, crops or ecosystems.

Throughout the book, Tuf uses the capabilities of his ship to fix various problems encountered on different worlds… improved crops for an overpopulated world, monsters to fight in arenas, predators to fight rampaging sea monsters. In other hands, these could be some pretty stock stories. But in Martin’s hands… Tuf is faced with some very difficult challenges, and meets them with very hard-nosed answers. Several reviews I’ve read online say that as the stories go on, they get a bit darker, with Tuf becoming especially brutal at the end. But really, the darkest moment in the whole thing takes place less than halfway through the first story, when one of the most heartbreaking scenes I’ve read in literature suddenly jumps up and forces Tuf to do something shocking. But while it’s horrible, it is clear that his response is the least bad of the options; and with his unemotional approach, he just goes ahead and does it. And this moment tells the reader what they can expect from Tuf in the future: he is eminently ethical, but he will drop a hammer on you if that is in fact the best solution. Several times Tuf nonchalantly breaks characters with his bare hands without a moments hesitation, because that’s what needs to happen.

In the end, characters recognize that Tuf is, more or less, a god, because he not only has the power of a god (he can completely terraform a world at  whim, replacing the existing ecosystem with something completely different), he has the will to *use* that power. And as with the gods of old, your best approach is to *not* tick him off.

A few years ago there was a momentary flurry of interest when Martin mentioned the possibility of “Tuf Voyaging” becoming a TV series. I doubt it’ll ever happen. Just *try* to imagine a show headlined by a fat, bald brilliantly sarcastic Vulcan, with no romance or sex scenes; instead of pitched cinematic space battles,conflict is resolved by Tuf reasoning with the antagonists… or by simply threatening them with extinction. And while I’d love to see the show, I dread one scene: if you’ve read the book, you know what I mean when I say “Mushroom.” Holy crap, I can hear the wailing, of shock, sadness and rage, if that scene was shot and aired as written. That said… a warrior woman riding a T-Rex storming down the kilometer-wide hallway down the middle of the “Ark” seems like it’d make a hell of a shot.


 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Mar 122016

A silent NASA film documenting flight testing of the little-remembered X-100 in 1960. The X-100 was a slick-looking tilt-prop design, a predecessor to the X-19. In this video is certainly looks rather wobbly in the air as the pilot attempts to hover. The craft could certainly have benefited from modern computerized controls.


 Posted by at 12:29 am
Mar 112016

Now this is some funny stuff:

J.K. Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Was a Travesty From Start to Finish

The short form is this… in preparation of the new Potterverse movie coming out in a few months, J.K. Rowling has written a few short pieces that detail the history of magic in the USA from Ancient Time up to about 1920 (the timeframe of the new movie). And as described in the linked article, the history *is* pretty laughable. But for frak’s sake, it’s a story about wizards and magic. Of Course it’ll be ludicrous.

There are several aspects that irritate historians (the magical community in the US is governed by the “Magical Congress of the United States of America,” which was somehow formed in 1693… *juuuust* a few years before the United States of America existed), Native Americans (descriptions of Native Amerinjun magic that’s apparently a lame cliche-filled stereotype), and black folks (some weird discussion about segregation in the magical community being a badly-formed allegory for racism in the US). And so the writer of the article suggests that an English white woman simply shouldn’t write about such things. To back up that position, “Cherokee scholar Dr. Adrienne Keene” is quoted as saying:

What happens when Rowling pulls this in, is we as Native people are now opened up to a barrage of questions about these beliefs and traditions (take a look at my twitter mentions if you don’t believe me)–but these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all.

Let me emphasize something she wrote:

these are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At all.

Screw you, lady. Just for that I’m tempted to write a crummy sci-fi story filled with plot holes and spelling errors that will be filled with Cherokee mystical beliefs… but to simplify research, I’m going to simply crib some magic-based plot elements from “The Smurfs” and plaster Cherokee concept names over the smurf names.

First rule of Skinwalkers Club? Don’t talk about Skinwalkers Club.

Time comes when you realize you’re getting all offended and upset about some bits of Harry Potter… you should learn to lighten up, Francis.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm
Mar 102016

Back in the day, Christians (and Jews before them, and no doubt a whole bunch of other people) would now and then get tossed into a cage with a lion by the local political system for punishment or entertainment.Over the centuries this has come to be seen not so much as a horrible, stupid thing, but a “wow, aren’t martyrs awesome” thing. And since for some reason some people have gotten it into their heads that martyrdom is something to strive for or emulate, rather than something to be fought till the last, some people have something of a romantic notion about lions. Some people seem to think that God will protect them from lions real and metaphorical if their faith is strong enough.

Some people actually put that to the test. And while these people may very well have extremely strong faith that God will protect them… it’s clear that often enough the lions don’t share that faith. Gentlemen, behold:

Lion nearly killed prophet after botched miracle

The Christian “prophet” saw some lions gnawing upon an impala and decided to dash out of his car and charge towards them. The lions, in turn, decided that the prophet would make a fine snack, and charged towards *him.* The prophet had a sudden moment of clarity, turned, ran back to the car and discovered that lions are *fast.* And, well…

But before he could safely reach the confines of the car, one lion had snapped its paws on him thus causing major damage to his toilet sitting tool.

I’ve never heard of the buttocks referred to as a “toilet sitting tool,” but… well, it’s certainly applicable.

Now, how did the prophet survive? Did a flock of angels descend from Heaven? Did the lions suddenly convert? Nope. The park ranger with the group fired off a firearm, scaring the lions away; *doctors* then patched the guy up. The sciences of metallurgy, chemistry, physics (ballistics) and modern medicine saved the day.

 Posted by at 4:21 pm
Mar 102016

Adolf Hitler first man on the Moon? Nazi Germany’s ‘secret space missions’ revealed

What we have here is one of the all-time *worst*articles from a “news” site. Not just the inane topic, but the rambling, incoherent way it’s written, bobbing and weaving from one hand-wavey notion to another like a drunk howler monkey looking for it’s car keys, little realizing that since it’s a monkey, it doesn’t actually have car keys.

 Posted by at 3:51 am
Mar 092016

Obama to Skip Nancy Reagan’s Funeral to Attend South by Southwest

“South by Southwest” is a music & movie festival. Because while First Ladies are forever keeling over – can hardly go a week without a funeral for one or two of them – entertainment is something that a hard workin’ guy like Obama just can’t seem to find the time for. Obama also skipped Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s funeral a week back.

 Posted by at 4:51 pm
Mar 092016

Still slowly slogging through the process of cleaning up the Sanger “A Rocket Drive for Long Range Bombers” report scans. Some pages are easy… a few minutes and done. Other pages, specifically the ones from the middle of the book, can take well in excess of an hour. The problem is that the Sanger report is hard-bound, and the feller who scanned it didn’t want to break the spine. As a consequence, near the middle of the book, the inboard bits of text are smooshed and blurred. The only way to digitally restore these is to copy/paste bits of text and individual letters to replace the bad bits. *These* pages can take a lot longer.

Fortunately the whole book isn’t like this. Near the front and back, the scans are quite good and easy to deal with. This includes the last two pages… pages that list where copies of the report were to be sent. there are some *very* interesting names in this list…

S2 (128) S2 (129)

 Posted by at 4:09 pm
Mar 092016

Sometimes people who disagree with my politics mock me for referencing communism, because communism supposedly fell a quarter century ago (despite the fact that Marxism is alive and well int he minds of many, many people). But fascism fell seventy years ago… and yet, here we are, with two candidates for president who are readily compared to old school fascists (Trump’s aping of Mussolini’s style, Sander’s aping of fascist policies). And not just these two… fascism is apparently quite popular on college campii today. Witness:

Student Assembly for Power and Liberation Demands (WWU)

These Junior Fascists are demanding the creation of a new “College of Power and Liberation,” funds, physical infrastructure and the power to conduct inquisitions against students and faculty that are insufficiently politically correct. Teachers would face discipline if they main insufficient “safe spaces” int heir classrooms… in other words, if they say, do, teach anything that any precious little snowflake finds to be uncomfortable or just contradictory to their views.


I have, from time to time, entertained the notion of wandering up to the University in Logan and finding whoever it would be I’d need to find and attempt to convince them that what the University desperately needs is a new course on “Science for Science Fiction Authors.” It would cover the basics of such things as space flight (including orbits, the actual scale and scope of the universe, propulsion systems, etc.), basic physics and relevant chemistry, biology (including “so what happens when you leave the spaceship without your spacesuit”) and so on. And a not inconsiderable section on sci-fi weapons. Lasers, KE systems, what it would actually take to blow up a planet, that sort of thing.

And every time I consider teaching such a course, I suddenly get this vision of a sizable fraction of the class, populated by English lit majors, suddenly freaking out about not feeling safe in a discussion of phaser guns. And I just can’t imagine that going terribly well, since I have, and can have, no sympathy for their position.

 Posted by at 10:10 am
Mar 082016

Returning home last night well after sundown, just a few hundred yards from home a dog decided it would be an awesome fun time to dash out into the road right in front of my car. My car had been loaded with stuff like groceries and lumber and such… none of which ended up where I’d originally put it. Good news: my brakes work.


 Posted by at 9:31 pm