When you can’t confront it with arms… try this approach:
I wonder how well this’d work *today.*
When you can’t confront it with arms… try this approach:
I wonder how well this’d work *today.*
54% opposed, 44% in favor.
And here’s the combination “well dug” and “umm, what” chart:
That Democrats are so opposed to nukes? Not surprising. The sudden crash in Republican acceptance of nukes? Shocking and appalling.
Oddly enough, this post isn’t about Trump rallies.
In short: one Robert Zwolinski was running for the office currently held by one Cynthia Soto, competing against her in the party primary. As goes the tale: Soto’s daughter Jessica and others were stapling up campaign ads/flyers for her mom…a perfectly cromulent thing to do, but kinda questionable to do outside the opponents campaign office. When Zwolinski came out to ask what they were doing, Jessica Soto and her boyfriend bashed him upside the head with a bottle, punched him down to the ground, kicked him and used a staple gun on his forehead. Zwolinski suffered substantial lacerations and a broken nose.
Go ahead and guess at the the party affiliation of Cynthia Soto. Go on, I dare you.
Bonus round – guess which one is Zwolinski and which one is Soto:
So how do we b lame the Tea Party for this?
The “Parrot Disco” drone, an RC airplane built around a high-def camera. I have no doubt that this thing will be *blisteringly* expensive… but I also have no doubt that if the comm system can be made secure, the Army and the Marines will buy them by the truckload. These look a whole lot like the old, failed Lockheed “Aquila” drones from the 80’s, but, you know, portable and *usable.*
I’m sure that people who know about such things are looking into replacing the camera with something a bit more IR; replacing the prop with something quieter. Put a turret on the underside with a decent laser pointer in it, and this would provide a *dandy* accessory to the Raytheon Pike missile system. Just imagine a two-man crew… one controlling the drone, the other firing a 40mm grenade launcher, able to bullseye a womprat from a mile or so away and with hills in between.
So, there’s a 7-11 in White Center, Washington, where a 60-year-old feller comes in about every morning to get a cup of coffee. Sunday morning he was having his coffee when another person came in swinging a hatchet; he briefly attacked Mr. Coffee Guy, then went after the clerk. Probably shoulda spent a little more effort on Mr. Coffee Guy, because if you are a hatchet-swinging nutjob it’s unwise to turn your back on a guy armed with a gun and the caffeine jitters.
In short: 31 pages of a work that Harry Houdini commissioned HP Lovecraft to write on “The Cancer of Superstition” was found in a closed-down magic shop, and is now up for auction. It’s unclear how much – if any – of the work is actually by Lovecraft; chances are he might have only contributed a small amount, with the rest written by another writer.
I hope this gets published, because even though it’s 90 years old, the bits and pieces quoted make it sound entirely relevant today. The three sections included are “The Genesis of Superstition”, “The Expansion of Superstition”, and “The Fallacy of Superstition.”
the document explores everything from worship of the dead to werewolves and cannibalism, theorising that superstition is an “inborn inclination” that “persists only through mental indolence of those who reject modern science”.
“Most of us are heathens in the innermost recesses of our hearts,” it concludes.
It’s sad to think that superstition, from stuff HPL and Houdini would have recognized such as astrology and mediums and ghost hunters and creationism and socialism to all-new BS like flying saucers are probably just as popular today as they were back then.
A Congressional resolution about the value of stage magic that name-checks David Copperfield… but not Penn & Teller or the Amazing Randi? Bah.
The Argentinian coast guard fired upon and sank a Chinese vessel:
Given that the Chinese national fishing fleet is going to do its damnedest to denude the worlds oceans of fish, it’s not real surprising that someone this far from China finally got cheesed off enough to do something about it. I won’t be too terribly surprised when the local news out here finally reports on Chinese fishing vessels tootling about Willard Bay.