Sep 022015

‘Hero’ Cat Saves 3-Year-Old’s Life by Taking a Bullet

A “hero” is someone who knows there are dire risks and yet does what needs doing. In this case… the cat was asleep, the kid was asleep, a bullet came in the window, hit the cat and missed the kid. The claim is that had the cat not diverted the bullet, it would’ve hit the kid. The cat was more “innocent bystander” than “active hero,” but even so… You Do Not Shoot Cats.

Fortunately the cat survived, though it was of course injured. If’n ya wanna help, the family has set up a GoFundMe page to pay for the vet bills (note: the bills have apparently been paid in full, so….


 Posted by at 1:33 pm
Sep 022015

Patreon works two different ways. The first way, the way used on the Aerospace Projects Review Patreon campaign, is that patron are charged once a month, and they get rewards once a month. The other way Patreon can work is to only charge patrons when the content-creator actually has new content. This seems to be used a lot for web-comic creators… when they produce a new comic, the patrons get charged and get the comic. Whether that happens once a week, once a month or with a gap of three months, the patrons only get charged when there’s new stuff.

I’ve been contemplating using that second model as a way to help get Pax Orionis going.  Use Patronage to write the book a bit at a time. But there are a few questions:

  1. The book will be composed of many different bits of wildly different lengths. A one-page memo here, a thirty-page narrative there. Charge the same for the release of a self-contained section, regardless of page count? Or charge for the release of sections of particular page counts (which might mean that it’ll take several releases to get a complete section out)?
  2. And then, how much to charge? Obviously not very much… fifty cents, seventy five, a buck at most. Given fees and such, i don’t think it can go below fifty cents.
  3. What to do for “premium” patrons? One the APR Patreon, patrons who pledge more per month get higher-rez versions of the rewards and additional CAD diagrams and other bits and pieces. For the Pax Orionis Patreon, I’m thinking that higher-level patrons would get a bonus technical illustration… anything from a CAD diagram of an Orion vehicle, to a weapons system, launch vehicle, spacecraft, aircraft, a map, etc. I don’t think I’d do more than two, maybe three levels of patronage.

So… what do y’all think? Suggestions? Worth doing? Anyone know of a similar sort of thing with someone successfully creating a novel a bit at a time via Patreon?

A good case can be made that I’d be better off simply making P.O. available for free bits at a time, available to all. So perhaps… the P.O. Patrons get these releases, say, three months before the world as a whole? Get to see ’em in the first draft, and get to critique and perhaps see their suggestions incorporated?

 Posted by at 8:54 am
Sep 012015

This revelation will, no doubt, be received with calm interest.

This Copy of the Koran Could Be Older Than The Prophet Muhammad

In short… a few pages from an ancient copy of the Koran being tested by scientists at Oxford University have been carbon dated to between 568 A.D. and 645 A.D. According to Islamic lore, Mohammad received his “revelations” starting around 610 A.D. So the possibility exists that at least parts of the Koran were written before Muhammad started his religion, which, if true, would mean he appropriated at least some portions of his “revelations” from existing sources.

Why, the very idea of a less-than-honest “prophet.” I’m shocked, truly. To the fainting couch!

At the very least, if further testing puts the date at the later end of the range, 645 A.D., this might still somewhat mess with the official story, as Muhammed’s tales weren’t supposedly set down in writing quite that early.

 Posted by at 7:29 am