May 192014

The pitiful WiFi issues continue so once again I’m posting via phone. I’ve completed the nuclear photography portion of the expedition, so by usual practice I should now close the door on new “investors.” However, as the trip has exceeded initial cost estimates and messing around editing blog posts is a pain via phone, I’ll leave the PayPal buttons up for a little longer.

I have taken about 1500 nuke-related photos in the past two days, with perhaps a few more tomorrow during a final pass through. This will fill two DVDs, so that’s a lot of imagery.

Tomorrow, after an appointment, I set off for a destination suggested by a blog reader.

 Posted by at 9:38 pm
May 192014

I’m finding this trip to be the most frustrating yet in terms of communications access. A good chunk of southern Utah was jsut a dead spot for my cell phone, and the first motel had a *really* slow wifi. And the motel I got in Albuquerque is useless in terms of WiFi. My fallback option of stopping at a McDonalds has been stymied by a sudden mysterious lack of McDonalds in this region. Hmmmf. So, I’m posting this from a New Mexico highway rest stop midway between Albuquerque and Los Alamos.

Now: as annoying as that has been… try beaming that previous paragraph back in time, oh, 20 years. People wouldn’t have had the slightest clue what the hell my problem is…

 Posted by at 11:24 am
May 182014

Got to Albuquerque early this afternoon, spent several hours at the nuclear museum. Wasn’t quite as vast ad I’d hoped, but its certainly a useful source. I’ll return tomorrow AM, then go to the Bradbury in Los Alamos.

I’d post a few of the 900 or so pics I took at the museum today, but this motels notion of internet access is rather more limited than I’d prefer and thus I’m posting this with my phone.

 Posted by at 6:59 pm
May 172014

I had planned on setting out Sunday morning on the nuclear expedition (see HERE if you don’t know what I mean), but after dropping off the cats at the vet to be boarded… screw it, had nothing better to do today. And it’s just as well I did; it was a long day and I’m still far from Albuquerque. It’s also turning out to be spendier than I’d hoped… apparently there’s some sort of ATV  thing going on in Moab, and that has sucked up every motel room within a Tsar bomb blast radius. Being completely wiped out, I took the first motel room I could get, which was about $60 more than I’d hoped. Bah.

That said, if you haven’t been to southern Utah, cancel your travel plans to Tuscany or France or New York City, and visit *this* place. It’s fricken’ awesome. Pity I don’t have more time to stop and look at the scenery, but nukes await.

One bad thing: the cel reception out here is *bad.* Even in my motel room, I can’t even successfully send out texts or receive phone calls. Huh.


 Posted by at 8:58 pm
May 162014

Shouted Down at Portland State

Short form: Portland State U seems to have a “conference” every year on the subject of police violence. One panelist, Kristian Williams, has apparently written a number of articles and books on the subject of police violence. But his presence caused the local wyminist cause-heads to get all twitchy… because he also wrote an article that made the radical suggestion that, just maybe, when it comes to the subject of sexual violence, perhaps we might want to consider this wacky notion called “due process.”

The result:

[youtube 4r7cwWegXCU]

So the organizers of the conference about police violence… call the police.

Crazy Insane Troll Face

Go on, take a guess at the level of discourse provided by these “scholars.”

I really hope these kids parents see what they’re up to, and re-evaluate how their money is being spent. One wonders how many of the shouters are majoring in anything useful like science or engineering or medicine, as opposed to useless PC bullcrap.

 Posted by at 10:04 pm
May 162014

An Indian mattress company hired the Indian office of the Ogilvy & Mather ad agency to whip up some ads for ’em. The genius response? A cartoon showing a little girl – Malala Yousafzai, to be specific – taking an AK-47 full of jihad to the face, falling onto a mattress, and “bouncing back.”



You know, I’ve got a healthy sense of gallows humor, and little respect for political correctness or enforced “sensitivity,” but… got-dayum, that just ain’t right, son. This project clearly involved the effort of a number of people, all of whom apparently took a look at the concept and said “yeah, sure, that could work.”


 Posted by at 7:15 pm
May 162014

So, I went and saw “Godzilla” today. It was… ok. It was not what I’d hoped, where Godzila would have been some Lovecraftian horror from beyond, but instead… big lizard. So if you like movies about giant monsters beating the tar out of each other, this is your lucky day.

Before the movie, they showed a new trailer for “Interstellar.” Explains a lot more about the movie than the previous teaser. In short… it seems to be based on a very depressing premise. At some point in the near future, apparently the crops fail, and things look grim. Things are bad enough that apparently the *Indians* are sending solar-powered recon drones over the Midwest. But then Alfred uses the funds of the Wayne Foundation to fund a deep-space (beyond Saturn) manned mission to a wormhole that I guess leads Elsewhere, for reasons that are unclear.

I’m not sure what to make of it so far. The earlier teaser made me think that it’d be a pro-space exploration movie, but it’s looking more like a “oh, crap, we *gotta* go into space or we’re gonna die” movie. And that’s fine, but it’s perhaps not the best “message movie” to get regular folks all excited about space.

But so long as it’s a “doom approaches,” movie, I gotta say that the tagline hits just the right note for me:



While that sounds kinda doomy… it also sounds *defiant.*


 Posted by at 6:12 pm
May 162014

Perhaps the most annoying of the recent non-think bumpersticker yammerings is “Check your privilege.”  The idea, if I can grace it with such an inappropriately high-falutin’ term, is that straight white men should feel bad about themselves, because of this fantastical substance called “white privilege” that somehow confers success upon them without effort. It seems to be somewhat along the same lines as “the essential appleness of apples” or some such philosophical dreck.

One example of this was blathered forth in a post on Jezebel, one of those places that has professionally offended people who like to blather on about this sort of thing:

In the simplest, crudest metaphor I can think of, let’s say you’re a fully abled person in a race against a man with only one leg. You train a long time, run really fast, and beat him. No one is saying you shouldn’t be proud of working hard or running so fast; all we’re really asking for is that you admit that maybe having two legs f***ing helped a little bit.

The problem with the metaphor, and the whole privilege argument as a whole: having two legs isn’t an advantage… it’s the baseline. It’s what you are supposed to have. Someone with two legs who runs a race and wins against a one-legged opponent would have to be some kind of idiot for feeling guilty for beating the one legged opponent.

Sure, some people have bad breaks in life that hold them back. But you know what? They are not helped by trying to drag down those who *didn’t* have those bad breaks. An ugly guy who can’t get a date isn’t likely to do much better in life if he goes around berating the good looking fellers, trying to make them feel bad for scoring all the chicks and trying to guilt them into sharing. It… just doesn’t work that way.

We all have something that holds us back, something that other people are born with. And that problem… is *our* problem. Not the other fellers.

“Check your privilege” is just the latest version of screaming “racist” at someone. It’s a way to shut down the debate by shutting up one side.

And at last, here ya go:

I Checked My Privilege, And It’s Doing Just Fine

The proper response to the privilege gambit is laughter. The super-serious zealots of progressivism hate being laughed at, but there’s really no other appropriate response outside of a stream of obscenities. The privilege game is designed to circumvent arguments based on reason and facts and evidence, so the way to win it is to defeat it on its own terms.

Call: “Check your privilege!”

Response: “What you call ‘privilege’ is just me being better than you.”

They won’t like it. It will make them angry. Good. Because tactics like “Check your privilege” are designed to make us angry, to put us off-balance, to baffle us and suck us down into a rabbit hole of leftist jargon and progressive stupidity.

Don’t follow them. Mock them. Accuse them of adhering to a transphobic cisnormative paradigm and start shrieking “Hate crime!”

 Posted by at 10:46 am