Apr 112013

The Great Moon Hoax makes for entertaining reading. Long before the era of the internet, in 1835 the newspaper New York Sun ran a series of hoax articles purporting to be reports from the astronomer John Herschel. He was reported to have looked upon the moon with a remarkable new telescope at the Cape of Good Hope… where he saw forests, moon-bison and winged, flying “bat men.” The series of reports ended with the telescope accidentally being destroyed by fire caused by the sun focusing through the main lens.

Along with being a classic example of why you should always view the news media with severe skepticism, the articles are also an early example of science fiction in popular culture.

You can read the articles HERE.

The Smithsonian has posted some decent-resolution scans of 1836 artwork of some of the fantastical critters an ideas from the articles. Included is rendering of a hydrogen balloon-based “spaceship” for a trip to the moon…modified upon arrival by the action of enslaving some of the local winged men to serve as propulsion systems. Welcome to the early 19th century…


 Posted by at 11:42 am
Apr 102013

Ye gods.

The stunning images of Hong Kong ‘living cubicles’ that look just like Borg cubes

I defy *anyone* who has known wide open spaces to look at the photos there and go “Yeah, that’s for me.”

This is *exactly* the sort of thing a great many people want, for political purposes. People warehoused like this are easier to dominate an control; of necessity, they become dependent upon government services and will thus vote for increasingly powerful government.  such people will trade freedom for promises of services and security, protection from their fellow man who is separated from them by at most a few inches of drywall and air.


 Posted by at 7:10 pm
Apr 102013

Bell has announced a tilt rotor to take the place of the Black Hawk. It is smaller than the v-22, and featured fixed wingtip engines: the proprotors tilt, but the engines do not. This leaves a clearer line of sight out the side during hover, both for ingress and egress, as well as door gunners.

An attack version is also contemplated.

Bell Helicopter Introduces the Bell V-280 Valor Tiltrotor at AAAA.

FORT WORTH, TX (April 10, 2013) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), revealed today the Bell V-280 ValorTM, its offering for the Joint Multi Role/Future Vertical Lift (FVL) Technology Demonstrator (JMR/TD), at the 2013 Army Aviation Association of America’s (AAAA) Annual Professional Forum and Exposition in Fort Worth.

  • Speed: 280 KTAS cruise speed
  • Combat range: 500-800nm
  • Strategically Self-Deployable – 2100nm Range
  • Achieves 6k/95
  • Non-rotating, fixed engines
  • Triple redundant fly-by-wire flight control system
  • Conventional, retractable landing gear
  • Two 6’ wide large side doors for ease of ingress/egress
  • Suitable down wash
  • Significantly smaller logistical footprint compared to other aircraft



FVL%20Rear%20Quarter%20Attack FVL attack

Please enjoy this Bell PR video featuring decent computer graphics and some rather painful acting:

[youtube 1O3Onyas984]

The official Bell V-280 website, with more images and such.

 Posted by at 6:39 pm
Apr 102013

Scientists Discover Evidence Of Dark Lightning

In short: storms sometimes release some of their pent up electromagnetic energy not in the form of an obvious bolt of electrons, but an invisible burst of X-rays and gamma rays. Such a bust would go by un-noticed, but if you are unfortunate enough to be in an aircraft and take such a burst, you might get a lifetimes supply of gamma rays in a microsecond.

Radiation is everywhere, Even the clouds want to spread evil horrible nuclear rads all over everywhere. And yet somehow life manages to hang on.

 Posted by at 10:41 am
Apr 092013

If you are reading this, the WordPress login problem seems to have been resolved, and I can resume blogging. Aren’t you all thrilled?


Time for go to bed.

 Posted by at 10:30 pm
Apr 082013

For more than the past week, Marvin has spent a lot of time at the gate that separated her part of the house from the rest, crying piteously… and only getting worse. It was not a lack of food or water; she lacked for neither. It had nothing to do with me… she’d cry no matter which side of the gate I was on. The only factor? She didn’t cry when one of the other cats was on the other side of the gate. In short, she was lonely for feline company.

Today the gate came down.

Prior to the quarantine, she had a rather unpleasant relationship with the other cats… hissing and swatting if they got too close. But the time separated from them, yet sharing the same space, able to see, hear and smell them, has mellowed her out. She even shares space with Raethinn, without complaint on either side.

Img_5797 Img_5805 Img_5804 Img_5802

One side effect of the lowering of the quarantine is that she can now roam further… which has pointed out just how uncomfortable she looks when she walks. Watching her slooooooooowly climb stairs was kinda painful.

 Posted by at 10:07 pm