FURTHER UPDATE: I received this note from someone who could not previously see the comments:
I think that I have found why I have a problem and it is at my end – nothing to do with you. Even though Linux is relatively safe on the Internet, this paranoid guy has cookies and Javascript disabled by default. Most sites that need them show a message if this is the case. Your site is one of the exceptions. If I enable Javascript, I can see the comments and also the message:- Warning: A browser setting is preventing you from logging in If I also enable cookies, this goes away and I can post.
Via email I’ve been informed that at least one person can see my blog posts, but sees absolutely no evidence of comments, nor any hint of how to comment. My best guess is that there is something screwy with the Disqus system… since it is separate from the blog proper, my thought was that nannyware might be blocking the comments. However, the same person can see the comments on another website that uses the Disqus system, so… I dunno.
If you cannot see comments, let me know via email. If you have some sort of idea as to what might cause this, feel free to comment. Or email.
Also acceptable: write your suggestions on the back of a fully filled-out check made out to me…
UPDATE: this post has garnered a total of one comment (so far), but also an email from another reader who says he’s seen no comments on this blog in months. What you should see when you look at this post is something like this:
Note the “1 comment and 0 reactions” in the upper right. If you don’t see that, then something is amiss. A Google search on Disqus problems came up with this page which has some suggestions if you are using Firefox and can’t see the comments: one of your addons might be causing trouble. Firefox suggests starting Firefox in SafeMode; if you can then see the comments, then it’s one of your addons/extensions that’s blocking Disqus comments.