Sep 142009

About damned time. Via Hot Air:

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) introduced an amendment to the HUD and Transportation appropriation bill to strip ACORN of all federal funding. A week ago, Johanns wouldn’t have gotten the amendment to the floor. Today, however, after three straight days of’s video exposés of ACORN offices in Washington DC, New York City, and Baltimore offering assistance to pimping, tax evasion, and trafficking in underage Salvadorean girls, Johanns not only got his vote – but he got an impressive bipartisan showing. The Senate passed the Johanns amendment 83-7.

At the beginning of the vote, it appeared that Democrats might resist. Initially, a half-dozen Democrats cast votes in opposition to the amendment. A few more cast votes against it as the rest of the Senate voted, but the tide appeared to shift. More and more Democrats signed onto the amendment, and votes started changing. One male voice could be heard in the chamber saying, “I want to change my vote!” Among those who changed their votes: Tom Udall (D-NM), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Herb Kohl (D-WI).

Those who voted to continue funding ACORN:

  • Dick Durbin (D-IL)
  • Roland Burris (D-IL)
  • Robert Casey (D-PA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
  • Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
  • Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
 Posted by at 9:13 pm
Sep 142009

 A year-ish ago I visited the museum at Aberdeen Proving Gorunds, Maryland. On display were a few APDS (armor piercing discarding sabot) tank rounds, along with some photos showing these dart-like rounds in flight shedding their sabots. What I liked about the photos was the clarity with which they showed the shock waves being shed off of the penetrators and the sabots.

img_5199.jpg  img_5201.JPG  img_5202.JPG  img_5203a.jpg

 Posted by at 6:03 pm
Sep 142009

I have no faith – -never did – in the idea that Obama will bring Americans together into a joyful union where race does not matter. However, I’m becoming convinced that within a few years, there’s a 50-50 chance that “racism” will cease to matter. Here’s some evidence:

Democrats see race factor for Barack Obama foes

Eight months into Barack Obama’s presidency, as criticism of his administration seems to reach new levels of volume and intensity each week, the whispers among some of his allies are growing louder: That those who loathe the nation’s first African-American president, and especially those who would deny his citizenship, are driven at least in part by racism.

“We think all of it is!” exclaimed Gwen Dawkins, a Democratic activist from Michigan and retired state employee when asked to what degree the fervent opposition to Obama was driven by his skin color.

Black Publishers Cry Racism Over Wilson Outburst, Join Boycott of South Carolina

A group of black newspaper publishers on Friday charged Republican Rep. Joe Wilson with racism for yelling, “You lie,” at President Obama during his nationally televised address to a joint session of Congress.

“As African-American newspaper publishers we stand in solidarity with the NAACP and fully support the economic boycott of South Carolina,” NNPA Chairman Danny J. Bakewell Sr. said. “Rep. Wilson’s remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation — not only of President Obama — but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected.”

Obama as The Joker: Racial Fear’s Ugly Face

So why the anonymity? Perhaps because the poster is ultimately a racially charged image. By using the “urban” makeup of the Heath Ledger Joker, instead of the urbane makeup of the Jack Nicholson character, the poster connects Obama to something many of his detractors fear but can’t openly discuss. He is black and he is identified with the inner city, a source of political instability in the 1960s and ’70s, and a lingering bogeyman in political consciousness despite falling crime rates.

And so on. The New Conventional Wisdom is that all opposition to Obama and his policies is due to “racism.” Over the last thirty years or so, the accusation of “you’re a racist!” has worked like Kryptonite against rational discourse. The moment someone like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson accuses someone of being a racist, that someone needs to go into full-bore grovelmode.

But the accusation is now being tossed around so commonly, and over such patently stupid ideas as the Joker poster or “You lie!” that the accusation will soon enough lose whatever meaning it once had. So instead of the current practice of responding to “You’re a racist!” with a long list of reasons why you’re really not, followed by meaningless but time consuming acts of contrition… it may soon be responded to with “so what?”

So Obama’s zealous followers could end up ending “racism” in this country. Just not in the way they’d hoped.

 Posted by at 11:48 am
Sep 132009

I’ve taken a stab at photographing the Andromeda galaxy, with promising results for a fixed camera that doesn’t track the stars. Minimum zoom, about 6 second exposure:


You can see Andromeda about 2/3 up on the right.

Here’s about half my zoom capability, several second exposure:


And here’s full zoom, about 20 seconds worth of exposure:


Clearly, that last photo well and truly sucks. That is due wholly to the camera being fixed to a tripod, while the stars turn overhead. With a motorized equatorial mount, the streaking should go away, leaving the image pretty well fixed.

I’ve just bought a dirt-cheap equatorial mount off of eBay that I will set up for this purpose. The motor itself looks like it’ll cost about twice as much, but I guess there’s not much point to the mount without the motor.

 Posted by at 11:28 pm
Sep 132009

Some news sources suggest only a few tens of thousands. Other suggest two million or more. I wasn’t there and I didn;t count ’em. I’ve noticed that while there are a lot of ground-level photographs, there are surprisingly few high-elevation shots that would give a really good view of the crowd. As with the Ares I motor test last week, if you can’t get above the crowd, you can’t really count the crowd. And thus pundits can pull any number they want right out of their asses,  and proclaim the protest a massive success or a crashing failure.

Still, there are a few images that suggest that the size of the crowd was VAST. Take, for instance, this time lapse video on YouTube. I don\’t know how many people that shows… but, damn, it’s a lot.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm
Sep 132009

Similar to my earlier posting about the difference in coverage between the deaths of  the worthy Norman Borlaug and the unworthy Ted Kennedy, there’s this about the difference in coverage between Barky giving a speech, and million of Americans taking to the streets of DC:

On Saturday, September 12, 2009, President Barack Obama spoke before about 15, 000 people at a healthcare rally in Minneapolis. A few hours earlier, a crowd of between 70,000 and 1,200,000 citizens gathered in Washington, DC to protest excessive federal spending and intervention. I think we can safely conclude that any Tibetan monk or Zulu, blissfully unaware of American politics, would nonetheless conclude that the second event was at least as newsworthy as the first.

They’d be wrong. Between 2:00 and 4:00 PM PDT of that day, I monitored the Google News website, which in recent years has acquired some of the aura of omniscient impartiality that the New York Times once enjoyed. As of 3 PM, here’s how the two stories were treated:

“Obama Takes to the Road to Promote Healthcare Reform”: 14,488 news articles

“Tea Party Protesters March on Washington”: 126 news articles

The first story remained at the top of the main page throughout. The second appeared on the main page from about 2:00 to 2:30 and then disappeared into the recesses of the “More Stories – U.S.” page. Then it reappeared in the lower reaches of the main page at 3:45, as if the omission had caused some protest or embarrassment. As of 4 PM, Obama’s speech was still on top with 15,891 news articles cited and the DC rally had again disappeared, after having peaked at 130 cited articles.

Bias? What bias? I don’t see no bias. As many as two MILLION people show up to protest the slide into socialism, and the major media doesn’t really see it as a truly newsworthy event.



But Teh Won gives a speech, and boy howdy, that’s some good news fodder right there!


 Posted by at 7:09 pm
Sep 132009

A followup to this. Goblin Valley State Park is not a terribly big place, compared to things like the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone, but it is profoundly weird. The story behind it is that the whole place is made out of fairly soft sandstone, but there are layers a bit harder than those above and below. The result is that it erodes, but oddly. A harder “capstone” will protect softer rock beneath it, resulting in round boulders perched atop columns. These are the “goblins.”

One interesting feature of the sandstone is that it is very good at absorbing sound. While wandering around the park, I rounded a corner and found a group of a dozen or so boys, twelve-ish or so in age. And as non-Ritalined boys are wont to do, they were whooping and hollaring like it served a purpose. Very annoying. However, as I stood and waited for them to move past (I want to take some photos without them in it), they went around a bend… and there was dead silence. No, they didn’t shut up. But the walls and columns did an astonishing job of absorbing their noise.

The valley is a shallow depression, sort of a bowl. Noon in early June is perhaps not the best time to wander the valley… with the sun directly overhead, there was little that could be called “shade.” And there was absolutely no such thing as a breeze in there. And with the sound absorbing nature of the surroundings… it was dead quiet.  Hands down the strangest place I’ve ever been, geologically speaking.

2009-06-03-pano-4.jpg  2009-06-03-pano-5.jpg  2009-06-03-pano-6.jpg

 Posted by at 3:05 pm
Sep 132009

Work proceeds on the payload section for the 1/288 Nexus. It will have a simple geometry, based on an interplanetary mission payload drawn for Nexus; the second stage was likely a nuclear stage. But even though it’s a simple shape is no reason to leave it bland…



The current schedule of models to be CADded up currently stands as this:

1) 1/288 Nexus

2) 1/72 “X-15D”

3) 1/72 S:AAB Hammerhead

4) 1/288 ROMBUS/Ithacus

5) 1/72 or 1/48 Tremulis “Zero Fighter”

6) 1/72 Super Hustler

7) 1/144 Copper Canyon/NASP

8 ) 1/144 NASA “Trailblazer”

And down the road:

1/288 Saturn V

1/288 N-1

1/288 Ares I

1/288 Ares V

 Posted by at 2:29 pm