Dec 222008

Or as it’s apparently called in Britainland, “Hokey Cokey.”

Doing the Hokey Cokey ‘could be hate crime’ 

 The Hokey Cokey is an old novelty song that has been sung in music halls, at children’s parties and at sherry-fuelled family gatherings for many years.

But according to the Catholic Church and some Scottish politicians, singing the popular tune that begins with the words “You put your right hand in, your right hand out,” may constitute an act of religious hatred.

A spokesman for the leader of the church in Scotland said the song had disturbing origins.

Critics claim that Puritans composed the song in the 18th century in an attempt to mock the actions and language of priests leading the Latin mass.

Now politicians have urged police to arrest anyone using the song to “taunt” Catholics under legislation designed to prevent incitement to religious hatred.

Rue Britania. The Brits are going to PC themselves right out of existence.
It’s enough to give a guy a headache.

 Posted by at 2:58 pm
Dec 222008

The first model I did for Fantastic Plastic back in 2004 was the British Avro 730 bomber in 1/144 scale. Last year I was asked to re-visit the model. I completely rescribed it, added cockpit, landing gear and bomb bay details, and just generally improved the hell out of it. The first time ’round, my skills were a little rusty; the new version is a great improvement. It is now available for purcahse from Fantastic Plastic.


 Posted by at 11:46 am
Dec 222008

PTM folded up shop *years* ago. There was a brief revival 3 or so years back, when I released the Lockheed lifting body CEV model; but other than that, my model work has been done under contract (largely to Fantastic Plastic).

I have decided to bring PTM back. PTM was, in it’s day, a provider of simple and (for garage resin kits) relatively *cheap* model kits. I am going to largely stick with that… minimum parts count, minimal price (which, since they are garage kits, will still be more expensive than injection molded kits). It won’t be competition for FP… I am going to either do kits that have been rejected by FP, or are outside of FP’s baliwick, or were previous PTM kits.  One of the SICBM “Midgetman” Hard Mobile Launchers, for example. The Lockheed CEV. The X-20. A few conversion kits for regular injection mold kits… a new lower half for the Monogram 1/72 X-15 to produce a very different bird, for example. Possibly the nuclear engines for the X-6 to fit to the 1/72 B-36 kit. The early Jupiter IRBM-launching submarine concept.

Feel free to post suggestions.

 Posted by at 3:11 am
Dec 212008

One of the more disturbing things to come out of Britain in recent years is the CCTV culture, where “the Man” is forever watching *everything*. We have much the same in the US, though being far larger and more inertia-laden than Britain, we’re nowhere near as filled with cameras. However, cameras have made a lot of inroads into watching traffic. Robots are regularly used to watch cars and issue traffic tickets. That’s one of those things that, on the one hand, is hard to argue against (“if youre not speeding or running lights, what have you to worry about?”), and on the other hand is a clear sign of creeping Big Brotherism.

There are several ways to fight this, from courts to politics to vandalism. Turns out some juvie delinquents have come up with another way:

As a prank, students from local high schools have been taking advantage of the county’s Speed Camera Program in order to exact revenge on people who they believe have wronged them in the past, including other students and even teachers.

Students from Richard Montgomery High School dubbed the prank the Speed Camera “Pimping” game, according to a parent of a student enrolled at one of the high schools.

Originating from Wootton High School, the parent said, students duplicate the license plates by printing plate numbers on glossy photo paper, using fonts from certain websites that “mimic” those on Maryland license plates. They tape the duplicate plate over the existing plate on the back of their car and purposefully speed through a speed camera, the parent said. The victim then receives a citation in the mail days later.

Students are even obtaining vehicles from their friends that are similar or identical to the make and model of the car owned by the targeted victim, according to the parent.

Obviously this is criminal and petty evil. But it is also a way to invalidate the trafficams: it wouldn’t take a whole lot of this to make regular schmoes get up in arms and demand that tickets be issued on the spot and in person, not via the infallible HAL 9000 Highway Control System.

 Posted by at 7:20 pm
Dec 212008

Seen at this resolution…

… that really isn’t all that impressive or interesting. But download the higher resolution versions from the Hubble Space Telescope website, and see if you don’t change your mind. This is a combined Hubble/Chandra photo showing two galactic clusters in collision. Seen past a smattering of foreground stars, virtually everything in this photo is a separate and distinct galaxy containing billions or even hundreds of billions of stars.

Now *this* is “nature photo of the year” material.

 Posted by at 4:39 pm
Dec 212008

The end of my part of the Space Park story. The actual 3-D printed parts were shipped to me, I cleaned ’em up (the tech isn’t *quite* there yet to make baby-ass smoth parts straight out of the printer cost effectively), and have shipped them off to Fantastic Plastic. FP will have them cast and will market them.

Below is a photo of the parts ready for shipment to FP. There is one more part not shown…a  tiny little antenna cluster for the nose. The kit should be pretty easy to assemble.


 Posted by at 4:25 pm
Dec 202008

Found in the Boeing Historical archive some years back was a piece of artwork dated 12/20/1965 illustrating a “work pod” for orbital use. It is a remarkable design for two reasons:

1) It looks fairly reasonable

3) It looks a *lot* like the EVA pods from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

No other data on hand.


You can support the cause by Buying My Stuff. Or just plain Give Me Money.

 Posted by at 8:57 pm