Vox asks the question none of us have been thinking:
Is America too libertarian to deal with the coronavirus?
Summary: America needs more submission to authoritarianism.
Vox asks the question none of us have been thinking:
Summary: America needs more submission to authoritarianism.
This right here is entertaining. From back when journalists at least occasionally *tried* to do actual journalism.
OMG🚨🚨🚨 RT!
Everything you need to know about Joe Biden in one clip. I guess he will tell you whatever lie he thinks it takes to score political points. Seems being a liar is a very consistent theme for Joe!🚨🚨🚨 pic.twitter.com/7NhUWxixlp
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 6, 2020
The United States Space Force has released their first recruitment commercial:
It looks reasonably inspiring.
On the other hand, also just released is the first trailer for Netflix’s “Space Force” show, due to premiere May 29th.
It looks like it *might* be funny. It also looks like it might mock the whole concept, which is kinda like mocking the need for a Navy or an Air Force or a fire department. I suppose that *could* be funny, but it’d probably come off as insane gibberish.
What’s the best response to massive and blatant governmental overreach, using the Pinko Pox to acquire totalitarian powers with draconian punishments for trivial offenses? I’m not sure, but here’s a foul-mouthed Australian going on about some remarkable incidents down Oz way:
Bonus round:
Apparently it’s racist to point out that at the same time the government is forcing the native population to hunker down in fear they’re also arresting people for suggesting that maybe the borders should be closed to the importation of untold numbers of people carrying Odin knows what.
About time:
Remember the woman who claimed that Trump’s suggestions about Hydrochloroquine inspired her and her husband to drink chloroquine, poisoning the man to death? Well, do you remember that she was a Trump-hating Democrat donor who berated and, allegedly, physically assaulted her husband, who in turn was described as level-headed and intelligent enough to know that hydrochloroquine medicine is a very different thing from koi fish tank cleaner that has chloroquine phosphate as an ingredient, especially when you take FOUR TIMES the lethal dose?
Yeah, the local police seem to find her story… a little fishy.
Now this is interesting:
Way Number One: The AOC way, of *not* working and expecting the government to send you free money.
Way Number Two:
Summarized thus:
More than 40 employees made the collective decision in March to leave their families and live at the factory for 28 days, where they would eat, sleep, and take turns working 12-hour shifts to produce protective equipment for healthcare workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. They clocked out yesterday after their month-long shift.
I couldn’t help but notice that every one of these workers appears to be male (extremely problematic lack of gender equity!). And may I hazard a guess that most of these men were raised to be men.
They lived in a factory. For a month. Doing factory work in 12-hour shifts. They agreed on it unanimously.
Which approach would lead to a better America? A better world? Better *people?*
Go ahead and *try* to justify the monumental level of stupid that Bubbles displays here:
Only in America does "liberation" mean going back to work.@AOC sits down with @anandwrites to talk about why a return to normalcy isn't enough in a post-coronavirus world. SEAT AT THE TABLE premieres tonight at 10p. #seatatthetable pic.twitter.com/fNE9reHeKG
— VICE TV (@VICETV) April 22, 2020
I look forward to the day when she returns to the ranks of the unemployed.
… you’re going to shell out even more to fund your own invasion:
At a time when there is building chaos, when food might start to become scarce, when unemployment is skyrocketing, the California government wants to take taxpayer money to incentivize even more illegal aliens to come in and fill out the food banks, the jails, the hospitals, the low-end jobs. Here’s a better idea: use that $125 million to fund a program to help rid your state of illegal aliens. Sure, deportation is a job for the Feds. But a $125 million program to fund a reward system, where Californians can call to turn in employers who knowingly hire illegals? Heck, how big of a Trebuchet could California build for even $1.25 million, right along the border?
$125 million would fund a pretty substantial program to use drones to drop multi-lingual flyers warning illegals to head south.
The Chinese consulate general in Australia was annoyed that the Daily Telegraph newspaper made mention of the Chinese Communist’s responsibilities for the current crisis. Rather shockingly for modern Western media, the newspaper actually called out Commie bullcrap and told the ChiComs to shove it.
And for the polar opposite:
The Kung Flu is not just a problem, it’s an opportunity. In fact, a whole bunch of opportunities. A major opportunity is to withdraw industry and trade from China. Dunk them into a generations-long depression and restore western industrial might… a win-win. Another opportunity is to clean house locally. Editorial boards who knuckle under to Commies can now be easily seen, and should be invited to explore new career opportunities in the food service or hoboing professions.
Bonus round:
Governor Blackface aka Virginia’s Democrat Governor Ralph Northam strikes again. pic.twitter.com/SKnbtv9Mq8
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) April 6, 2020