It seems that *finally* some law enforcement is starting to go after the Antifa domestic terrorists. This time, though, the cops are Feds… and getting arrested for tangling with, say, a US Marshall is *not* something that you can ignore.
A Trump ad. Regardless of whether or not Biden wants to defund the police, the fact is that his cohorts *do.* Ask his prospective VP nominees if *they* do, because if Biden wins in November, it’s not unreasonable to assume that the VP will actually take the reigns come January.
Below is an interesting interview with Biden that touches on judicial system reform, where he wants to take money from the police and give it to criminals in the form of Pell grants and every other conceivable bennie.
To make #BlackLivesMatter, we need to redirect money away from police departments into mental health care, affordable housing, good jobs & restorative justice.
I asked Joe Biden what he thinks about this approach. Watch his answer.
— Ady Barkan (@AdyBarkan) July 8, 2020
At least, I’d *like* to believe that this is peak stupid, but let’s face it… there’s always a challenger ready and willing to rise to the occasion and be even stupider.
People like this are a reason why there’s a need for written instructions on shampoo bottles.
Also, she’s a teacher.
— Garbage Human (@GarbyJooman2020) July 7, 2020
HUMOR (that’s scary in its accuracy) BONUS ROUND:
The video “Alternative Math” was posted to YouTube in 2017. it is clearly meant to be a satirical takedown of Trump/conservatives… yet, apart from some throwaway lines by some TV talking heads, the whole things shrieks “this is what you get when woketivists take over the media and academia.”
Trumps latest executive order:
Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes
In short, two things:
1) Rebuild statues torn down by the recent spate of crazed freaks
2) Build a “National Garden” of statues to honor some of the greatest Americans in history.
As for the “National Garden,” a list of names was provided. Presumably this isn;t meant to indicate the total and complete set of statues; it would make sense for the Garden to contain space to add more over time.
The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of John Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Graham, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, Christa McAuliffe, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jackie Robinson, Betsy Ross, Antonin Scalia, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, and Orville and Wilbur Wright.
It’s an ok list (a few are pretty “meh,” but nothing to get in a twist over), but I would make some suggestions for others:
Neil Armstrong/Buzz Aldrin/Michael Collins; Albert Einstein; Werner von Braun; Sam Clemens; Edgar Allen Poe; Robert Heinlein; Kelly Johnson; Tom Edison/Nikola Tesla; Henry Ford; H. P. Lovecraft (fight me, ya mooks); Fred Rogers; Sam Colt; Moses Browning; Alexander Bell; Bernie Goetz; Norman Rockwell; Andrew Carnegie; Sequoyah; Thomas Sowell; Lewis & Clark; William Tecumseh Sherman; Ulysses S. Grant; The Amazing Randi; Houdini; Richard Feynman; Carl Sagan; Isaac Asimov; Jonas Salk; Norman Borlaug; Hyman Rickover; Edward Teller.
Feel free to add to the list. I suspect that if this goes forward – and if the depraved doddering dementist wins in November, it certainly won’t – there will probably be some sort of way to make suggestions and/or vote on them.
Statues should depict historically significant Americans, as that term is defined in section 7 of this order, who have contributed positively to America throughout our history. Examples include: the Founding Fathers, those who fought for the abolition of slavery or participated in the underground railroad, heroes of the United States Armed Forces, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor or Presidential Medal of Freedom, scientists and inventors, entrepreneurs, civil rights leaders, missionaries and religious leaders, pioneers and explorers, police officers and firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty, labor leaders, advocates for the poor and disadvantaged, opponents of national socialism or international socialism, former Presidents of the United States and other elected officials, judges and justices, astronauts, authors, intellectuals, artists, and teachers. None will have lived perfect lives, but all will be worth honoring, remembering, and studying.
A tour of the utopia that Minneapolis has become in the wake of the protests and the police bugging out:
Coming soon to a street near you!
Meathead his own self Tweeted something a little dodgy:
A vote for Trump is a vote for Death.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) June 23, 2020
This should be displayed/played at voting entrances.
— BigCis (@big_cis) June 23, 2020
SDG&E Worker Fired Over Alleged Racist Gesture Says He Was Cracking Knuckles
A Hispanic guy was fired from San Diego Gas & Electric for – at worst – making the “OK” gesture, though he claims he was cracking his knuckles.
Even better: Californians of A Certain Ideological Persuasion are pushing for a ballot measure titled “California Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment.” The titles suggests that it would repeal Prop 209, which banned affirmative action. But what would it *actually* do? It would strike out a bit of text from the California Constitution. Just a smidgeoon of text. nothing much to worry your little head about. Just this:
So… yeah. If this passes, California will be in the business of discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. That will doubtless work fabulously well.
Trump may not be the prophet we need. He may not be the prophet we deserve. But he’s the one we got.
George Washington statue toppled, American flag burned by Portland protesters
They did it, they really did it. Sucks to be George Washington right now… #Portlandprotest #statue #blacklivesmatter #PDXprotests #pdx #oregon #blm #acab #pdx #georgewashington #flagburning #StatuesMustFall
— Garrison Davis (Teargas Glutton) (@hungrybowtie) June 19, 2020
The Critical Drinker has produced a remarkably thoughtful video discussing the current trend of the woke fascists to try to make sure the past is re-written or outright forgotten. This video is worth watching and sharing. See if you can get your local high schools to show it.
Three years ago…
Statues of Washington, Jefferson Aren’t ‘Next,’ But It’s Complicated, Historians Say
Where the author argues – correctly – that the likes of Washington and Jefferson, who owned slaves, were fundamentally different from the likes of Lee and Davis, who defended slavery. The author then goes on to argue that this difference means that people won’t be tearing down statues to Washington and Jefferson, while also quoting someone who wanted to tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson.
And then we come to today:
Thomas Jefferson statue toppled in Portland, Oregon
One side in this culture war is stuffing things down the memory hole. One side is using violence to get their way. One side is ruining random peoples lives for expressing wrongthink opinions. One side is holding businesses and individuals hostage, demanding protection money and ideological purity.
Guess which side is accused of being “fascist.” Hint: it’s *not* the side that would clap to see this happen:
Which, given the context, is especially ironic.
Remember, when you see someone tearing down statues, think “Hey, isn’t that what NAZIS did?”