Mar 042019

If far-lefties want to make sure that Trump wins in 2020, they’ll keep doing stunts like this:

“Artists” Explain Why They Put White Men in MAGA Hats on Leashes and ‘Walked’ Them on Donald Trump’s Star in Hollywood

In short, they demonstrated their desire to turn white men into slaves, second-class citizens in a society dominated by weirdos.

I’m sure that’ll go over well with the base of moonbats in Hollywood, but among the rest of society? Doubtfull.

 Posted by at 12:49 pm
Jan 252019

Just… WOW. It’s always amazing when the lunatics tell you honestly just what they truly think.

David Harris jr. Takes on a very emotional liberal woman with no hair.

Posted by The Hispanic Conservative on Wednesday, January 23, 2019


“Emotions are the only things that are real in this world.”

“Emotion is fact. Emotion is real.”

“As a human being we should pay attention to fear and not logic.”

“Emotions is one removed from spirit.”

“I’m afraid of that hat.”

How do you debate with a worldview like that? You can’t. You can’t argue with it, you can’t reason with it, you can’t appeal to it’s sense of honor… because a worldview like that is devoid of honor and reason.

Instead, when dealing with these whackadoodle freaks, wear your MAGA hat (or whatever you like), keep your bodycam running and go about your day with a song of joy in your heart and a hearty “I owe you nothing” on your lips. Take as your role model not the whipped dog, but the carefree defiant cat.




 Posted by at 4:58 pm
Jan 202019

The last day or so has seen the latest outbreak of Social Justice Freakout:

White Students in MAGA Hats Taunt, Harass Native American Elder and Vietnam Vet

In short, the narrative was that these evil Trumpian kids, clearly racist and probably Nazis, had surrounded a poor old man at an Indigenous People’s March on Friday, and then proceeded to “taunt and harass” him:

The smirk on the face of this white kid with a red MAGA hat, as he taunts a Native American elder singing an intertribal song, is simply unbearable.

The as-of-yet unidentified teenager was part of a group of dozens of red-hat-wearing, pro-Trump students seen on several videos at the Indigenous Peoples March on Friday allegedly harassing Nathan Phillips. Phillips is a Native American elder, Vietnam veteran, and the host of a sacred pipe ceremony in Arlington, VA, according to Indian Country Today’s Vincent Schilling.

Multiple videos have surfaced since Friday showing a group of teenage boys crowded around attendants of the Indigenous Peoples March. In the footage of the encounter, many of the boys are wearing Make America Great Again hats, and can be seen laughing at and imitating a Native drummer. One boy even stands directly in front of the drummer, as close as he can get, staring the man down for several minutes.
The problem is… this being 2019, and that having been Washington, D.C., there were a *lot* of cameras recording the event. Even the very first of the videos did not support the narrative: the “smirking” kid, the focus of most of the attention on this incident, literally did *nothing* but stand there and smile. And as more videos have come out, it’s clear that the MAGA-hat-wearing students, from a Catholic school in Kentucky, were standing as a group, waiting for a bus, when they were approached by *others.* This included Nathan Phillips, the “Native American Elder,” who, while banging a drum, intentionally and deliberately walked up to the group. He approached the “smirking” kid and stood in front of him and banged his drum and chanted… and *kept* approaching him, eventually putting the drum mere inches from the kids ear. All the while, the kid just stood there and smiled. As a result:

… where the author compares the act of standing and smiling to some of the atrocities committed against minorities in generations past.

But beyond the media outlets who jumped on the story and promptly got it wrong – and all in the same ideological way – I think the reaction of regular schmoes is much more interesting *and* much more disturbing. Because this kid stood there and did not retreat, people want *violence* against him. Behold:

Young, bright, white, good men from Catholic high school show glee in harassing native American elder at Indigenous Peoples March event, with bonus MAGA hats

With opinions such as:

I Hope those little bastards are expelled and the school goes bankrupt.

F*cking sickening. The hats make them easier to hit, though.

That was ugly. I’m a native American and I would punched that smirk down his throat…

Pocket Nazis. Totes OK to punch.

Diamond Joe Biden
What a bunch of coonts. This makes me want to get Lucille out from The Walking Dead’s prop closet and put it to good use.

Scanty Em
I would enjoy seeing that punk-ass kid turning the other way, sobbing, lip split wide open, one eye rapidly swelling shut.

Smarmy d-bag out front, despite being INCREDIBLY punchable and wrong, is at least operating within the bounds of civilized counterdemonstration. A well deserved face punch and some reeducation and he’ll be alright.

Awesome. Additionally, if you hold your nose and look around the internet, you’ll find a *lot* of people who want to dox all the kids and make sure their lives and futures are ruined. Because… reasons.

Keep all this in mind: there are a *lot* of people out there who are willing to set aside every last bit of critical thinking and leap onto a bandwagon. If that bandwagon promises hate and blood… so much the better. If you hold the wrong political views, there are a lot of people out there willing to lie about you, knowing full well that their lies will inspire hate and violence in others.  Behold:

Lunatic Leftists Doxed a Random Kid Thinking He Was in the Covington Video — Family Now Receiving Violent Threats

Hollywood Producer Calls For the Murder of Covington Catholic Kids: ‘Go Screaming – Into the WOODCHIPPER’

Failed Actor and Comedian Offers Bounty for Punching Pro-Life Catholic Teen Trump Supporter in the Genitals

My hope is that people learn from this incident. And by “learn” I mean “learn to hire a good lawyer who will sue the bejesus out of the media outlets that ran with this crap.” And since other recent events have shown that social media platforms are more than willing to dump users for wrongthink under the excuse that the social media platforms think that they are responsible for everything said on their sites… I hope that that enterprising lawyer sues Twitter and Facebook as well. A several-billion-dollar class action lawsuit might do wonders.

Some final videos and evidence, along with the official statement released by the family of the smiling kid.

 Posted by at 11:26 pm
Jan 192019

After Gillette’s spectacular decision to insult its market, Johnnie Walker has decided to go all-in on supporting antisemitism:


When Progressives Embrace Hate

At Women’s March, anti-Semitism scandal overshadows anti-Trump effort

WATCH: Women’s March Leaders Promote Anti-Semitism At Women’s March

And of course, the Dems flavor of the month lets the world know on what side of the “to hate the Jews or not” she falls on:

Ocasio-Cortez attends NYC Women’s March amid anti-Semitism controversy

Clearly, by the rules of logic that dictate modern Social Justice Reasoning, both Ocasio-Cortez and Johnnie Walker are Nazis.

At some point companies will decide that taking sides in the culture war isn’t really doing them any favors.

 Posted by at 7:15 pm
Jan 182019

Yesterday the Trump Administration announced that the US is going to get back into the “Star Wars” business. Not to the scale of the original Strategic Defense Initiative days, when the goal was to put a dent in a Soviet full strike, but to knock down a strike from the likes of Iran or North Korea or Canada.

“Star Wars” Lite? We Explain Trump’s Missile Defense Strategy

A direct link to the Missile Defense Review is HERE. Ideas include F-35’s and drones armed with lasers and/or interceptor missiles to do boost phase interception… which would, of course, require that the aircraft be on-station near the launch site as it happens. This might work for the likes of North Korea or Iran, but wouldn’t be valuable against Russian or Chinese land or sea based ICBMs. For those, they also want to use space based interceptors. Yay! If the US actually goes ahead and fields a flock of Brilliant Pebbles, as was planned late in the SDI days, it will require a *lot* of low-cost launch capability.

It ain’t gonna happen, of course.

 Posted by at 2:23 am
Jan 112019

Kamala Harris is the junior Senator from California and is apparently positioning herself to run for President, because if 2008 showed us anything it was that good salesmanship, overpowering intersectionalism, generations of group-guilt and basic intellectual and ideological bullying can overcome a complete vacancy of resume. She was at some public event or other and a number of the people there started making a ridiculous sound, which surprised one of the reporters in attendance:

As it turns out, this horrible racket is a registered trademark of a racialist sorority, and lack of knowledge of this tripped the offended.exe subroutines of a number of NPCs.

So now we need to be educated in the childish cultural minutia of sub groups of sub groups, or else we’re racist. Note that the comparison is made to a reporter being sent to interview farmers needing to know something about farmers because farmers are as rare and culturally irrelevant as members of one sorority at one university.

In case you are unaware of what “Skee Wee” is, it’s this. Please note: a room full of sleeping cats suddenly became a room full of awake and spooked cats when I played this.

Basically, this:

Welcome to 2019.

Via the Althouse Blog.

 Posted by at 2:20 am
Dec 302018

But this time, the wearer was prepared and recording. As far as real-life trolling efforts go, this was SPECTACULAR. It’s not only hilarious on the surface, it’s also instructive, showing clearly just how unhinged many people are.

NOTE: The language here is as NSFW as it can get.

The original video was posted to Facebook, but I can’t access it. Shrug. Probably made private or something. However, the internet never forgets, and thus there’s this:

Note that with the two main characters here, one is full of joy, the other is full of rage, hate and crazy. This is a recipe for some durned entertaining video, and it certainly delivers. However, as Sargon points out in his review, it’s not a perfect performance. MAGA-dude turned in a good performance, but a few minor tweaks and it could have been truly perfect.

The employee in question was apparently insta-fired by the company which, given the evidence at hand, was likely the wisest course of action. Otherwise the vape shop would have been inundated with dudes wearing Trump shirts and MAGA hats, hoping for a run-in with Screechy McTrigglyscruff here.

Given how the far left is doing everything they can to wipe out the ability of people on the right to earn a living, it’s only fair to troll lefties and, for the ones who are ruled, nay, dominated by their passions like this guy, show their madness to the world. If it results in them getting canned… well, turnabout/fair play, goose/gander, whatever.

While intentionally trolling whackos in real life is not really my thing, I appreciate the sheer joy with which this guy engages in it. Fictional Vikings (perhaps even real ones) and Klingons share the virtue of laughter in the face of the enemy, and that’s how it should be. Humor and mockery are concepts that ill-programmed NPCs like this simply cannot process. And laughing your way through the insanity of life is a better approach than giving in to despair. Back when I was an occasional airline flier, I harbored the secret hope that *if* the wings snapped off at 30,000 feet, when the investigators finally found a surviving memory card from someones phone there’d be video of a lot of people screaming in terror… and a brief glimpse of me with my hands in the air yelling “WHEEEEE!” like I was on a  roller coaster. Because why not? Nothing you can do to affect your chances of survival, so you might as well face death or a skraeling or a PO’ed Romulan or a cosmic horror or Screechy McTrigglyscruff with defiant laughter. You’ll enjoy your subsequent time in Valhalla better that way.

Question: lots of righties were driven nuts by the election of Obama. But… how many times did someone wearing an Obama shirt or a “Hope” hat or something face this level of balls-to-the-wall crazy?

 Posted by at 1:07 am
Dec 292018

The question was raised yesterday in the comments. And today, Hollywood answers.

Derrickson Deletes Hateful Christmas Tweets Attacking Trump Supporters

The “Derrickson” here is Scott Derrickson, the director of “Doctor Strange” and probable director of “Doctor Strange 2,” which I now no longer seem to have much interest in spending money on.

As the article points out:

There is a trend amongst people involved with the Marvel Cinematic Universe to either be politically far to the left or have extreme hate for conservatives. James Gunn, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johannsson, Don Cheadle, Adam McKay, Brie Larson, Elizabeth Olsen, Dave Bautista, and the list goes on and on. It’s pretty clear that Disney tends to favor a single worldview when it comes to the talent that they hire.

They hate *me* (I’m neither a Trump supporter nor voter, but I suspect they’d throw me in the concentration camp if they knew of my appreciation for the AR-15). Why should I love them?


If you believe that Hollywood does not have a distinct leftist slant, I will, once again, repeat my very simple test that has so far gone unanswered: name three characters from the last, say, 20 years of major Hollywood movies and/or TV who are:

1: Republican politicians

2: The good guys

3: While retaining Republican/conservative politics.

This does not mean Republican characters who are heroes because they reject standard right-wing positions such as low taxes, small government, gun rights, anti-identity politics, etc. TV and movies are full to the brim with Democrat heroes, on up to virtually every fictional President you can find who is even remotely virtuous… but just *try* to find a Republican who’s not a villain. Just *try* to find a Libertarian *at* *all.*

 Posted by at 9:59 am
Dec 172018

Recently a student at Columbia went on, if you believe the mainstream medias narrative, a “racist rant” where he said such horrifyingly politically incorrect things as: “I love myself and I love my people … I don’t hate other people, I just love myself. I just love white men.” This was in response to being set upon by a larger group of people who berated him for having the gall to be a white Trump supporter in public. Since this is the world we live in, this was responded to by the likes of CNN contributor TimWise who tweeted:

If you see that as a call for violence… well, it sure reads that way.

So the world is, at least for the moment, falling upon the kid who dared to like white people. But he’s not just any regular drunken college student; he’s apparently a bit of a physics and math genius, who has already written several books on quantum physics. Low and behold, they are available on Amazon and are climbing the charts:

  Which is currently #5 best seller in the Amazon Quantum Theory section.

Which is currently #12 in Quantum Theory.



They seem to be based on the idea that he thinks he has some novel new theory of how the universe works. Does he? Well… in general I am *highly* skeptical of any claims of New Theories Of The Universe because, let’s face it, there are thousands of ’em and the great majority are bunk. And the idea of a truly new understanding of reality being cranked out by a 15-year-old strikes me as something right out of a really bad Disney Channel movie. But for all I know he *might* be on to something. or he *might* be an engaging reader. or you *might* want to financially support the guy because for the next little while the authoritarians who hold the reins of power are going to try to destroy him.

 Posted by at 2:35 pm
Dec 172018

(via the blog of one David Thompson)

Who doesn’t like themselves some good poetry? Well, as it turns out if you don’t like *all* poetry, you’re committing an act of violence:

Mister Guzman, who has apparently deleted his twitter account after accusing people who don’t like his poetry of having “toxic masculinity,” wrote this… “poem:”

My heart was a dystopian
berry budding in water tiger
lilies claiming
hocus-pocus wonder. I was broken
vanity, vixen vase, victorious tête-
à-tête — the Scrabble game nobody won
because the tiles aspired speculums.
I know that art is subjective. But… am I alone in thinking that this seems less like something an artist slaved over and more like something that was produced via a simple app that selects words out of the dictionary at random? In any case, the “poem” continues:
Twerking in church,
I outperformed the candles
diarized in the simpleminded annexation.       Wussup,
with the veiniest homebound
pika-pika aim?
Wussup, Sims
Chumbawamba Family Portrait Simulation?
St. Sunny of the Sissies
beheld the bukkake throng

Ummm. What. WHAT.

And that’s not all of the “poem,” it goes on for a while more. But you get the idea.

The dictionary definition of “art” leads off with:

the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

That doesn’t really seem to apply to the random word salad posted above.

Now, I’ve never heard of this feller before, and I bet you haven’t either. He’s hardly the poet laureate of the United States, so why pick on him? Well, not because I have any interest in the man; after I hit “post,” unless there are comments responding to this I’ll probably put the whole thing out of my mind and never think of him, his terrible opinions or terrible art ever again. But there will always be this tiny nattering thought in the back of my noggin reminding me that randomized gobbledygook such as this will not only find a market, but a market of prattling nincompoops with outsized cultural impacts, ready to declare anyone who doesn’t like this cheap dreck to be not only the lowest form of ill-bred philistine but also very likely a fascist.

Best case scenario: it turns out that Mr. Guzman doesn’t actually exist. He is, in fact, a hoax, fabricated by some jokesters wishing to prove that the modern poetry scene has so debased its own standards that it’ll glom onto anything, no matter how talent-free, so long as it displays sufficient wokeness. Sadly, I don’t think that’s the case here.

 Posted by at 4:37 am