Jun 062023

“Woke” has becoming an ever-present word in recent years, especially since the BLM/Antifa riots and city burnings of 2020. But what does it actually mean? The original meaning, apart from “past tense of wake,” as given by dictionary.com is this:

having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities


That meaning was used for some decades by those on the left, in particular black people. But recently the word has been taken up by people on the right as a term of disparagement, the second definition at dictionary.com:

Disparaging. of or relating to a liberal progressive orthodoxy, especially promoting inclusive policies or ideologies that welcome or embrace ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities.
It’s that second definition that interests me. As written, it’s fair as far as it goes… but it doesn’t really go far enough.
“Woke” is kinda like “obscenity:” you know it when you see it. But a proper definition, reasonably accurate and objective, is important for all things especially when it comes to things that will be important for policy decisions. If some classroom assignment or book is “woke,” what does it really mean, especially if “woke” is meant to mean that it should be disallowed? The fact that some statement or book or person is an “inclusive progressive” is not sufficient to be defined as “woke.” To me, this seems better:
Disparaging. of or relating to a liberal progressive orthodoxy, especially promoting policies or ideologies that preference ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities and focus to an obsessive degree on largely or entirely imaginary oppression, threats, enemies or slights
A near-universal feature of someone that most regular people would look at and call “woke” is that they are multicolored, unhinged and divorced from reality. Often shrieking about how oppressed they are while their flags are flying from every government building for an entire month out of the year and they get to dominate any and all discussion, threatening the lives and livelihoods of those who not only express differing opinions, but who use “unapproved” words. it’s not about “inclusion” and “welcoming,” but domination and madness.
 Posted by at 12:02 pm
May 272023

It seems obvious by this point that a rational corporation would, when presented with the option of weighing in on politically decisive “culture war” topics, just stick their fingers in their ears and hum real loud until whatever -themed month it is ends, and spend their time trying to sell their normal merchandise to their normal customers. But, no. Due to the insidious and invasive influence of “woke” ideologies and diversity initiatives, companies have been led to believe that they *have* to build up their diversity social credit scores, or else… something.

Target stores are the latest to discover that attempting to appease a small group of weirdos ticks off a far larger group of people who don’t want to sterilize, mutilate and drive insane their children.A lot of customers have expressed outrage; a few by pestering the employees (these are just regular folk trying to earn a paycheck, leave ’em the frak alone); a few others by causing damage (come on, you’re not on the left… the law *will* go after you for vandalism). But by far, from Targets perspective the biggest threat to the corporation are the large number of customers who are simply not spending their increasingly thin dollars there. Apparently Target has lost about nine *billion* dollars so far. So Target has decided to move their displays of child-grooming-friendly products further back in the store where they’ll be less conspicuous. This, supposedly, is in response to threats to the stores, products and employees from customers who don;t like those products.

But now they’re getting threats from the *other* side… bomb threats from weirdos ticked off that Target is now attempting to appease right wingers.


You know who’s not getting bomb threats from *either* side? Companies that didn’t delve into goofy identity politics in the first place. There might be a lesson there.


Utah Target Evacuated After Reports of Trans Extremists Threatening to Bomb Multiple Target Locations for Removing Satanic Groomer Products

 Posted by at 8:32 pm
May 252023

Well, here’s a study to shock exactly nobody:

Antagonistic narcissism and psychopathic tendencies predict left-wing antihierarchical aggression, study finds

Narcissistic individuals and those with psychopathic tendencies are more likely to strongly endorse left-wing antihierarchical aggression, according to new research published in Current Psychology. Antihierarchical aggression refers to a specific type of hostility aimed at challenging or opposing hierarchical power structures or authority figures. The new findings shed light on psychological mechanisms that motivate some individuals to participate in violent political activism.


You want a “red flag law?” Start here.


The study itself:

Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment

This, to somewhat stretch the discussion a tad, argues against the recent notion that “Star Trek has always been woke.” Yeah… no. The original series made it clear that in the 23rd century, the Federation – which of course included Humanity – had basically wiped out mental illness. Crazy people more or less didn’t exist in any meaningful form. Which would argue that far lefties would be rare in the United Federation of Planets.

 Posted by at 9:47 pm
May 232023

… that the market for them is being filled by non-white people. There was the “white supremacist” Mexican, and now this guy who was supposed to have tried to ram his U-Haul into the White House:

19-year-old Missouri man arrested in U-Haul crash at White House security barriers

U.S. Park Police on Tuesday identified the driver as Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, of Chesterfield, Missouri.

That’s a weird name for a Whitey McWhiteGuy.



Behold, modern “journalism:”


19 year old who rammed White House barrier threatened president

News of the arrest just feet from the White House comes amid a climate of fear and hostility as Republicans continue to demonize diversity programs while downplaying the threat of white supremacist violence.


Yeah. *THAT’s* the big problem plaguing society… white supremacy that’s so

 Posted by at 3:20 pm
May 202023

So, what is the current form of American government? To the simple, it’s a democracy. To those who actually have *some* understanding of the theoretical workings of the US Federal government, it’s a representative republic. But to those who have watched how the Feds and a startling number of state and local governments work, a more accurate descriptor is one that most probably haven;t heard of… but rest assured, you *will* be hearing it a lot so long as the means of communications remain reasonably free and accessible:


Coined in 1995, “Anarcho-tryanny” is a form of government that is characterized by taking a hands-off approach to dealing with actual criminality at all levels… but exercising draconian oppression upon the average citizens. Sound familiar? Cities that let criminals loot and burn and protest and terrorize at will… but toss people who defend themselves into the hoosegow for show trials. States that do diddly to deal with gangs and murderers of all stripes, but ban common firearms and standard magazines. Federal law enforcement agencies that welcome in whole armies of invaders, and hire armies of armed bureaucrats to hunt down small business owners who might have made small mistakes on the deviously complex tax returns.

And then there are the “glowies.”


If you, as an average, law-abiding citizen who wants nothing more than to be left alone to live your life and pursue happiness, fear the government descending upon you more than the guy breaking into your car or shoplifting your store does… you may be in an anarcho-tyranny.

 Posted by at 8:24 am
May 192023

So the latest internet distraction is the case of a white pregnant nurse who was declared a “racist” and a “Karen” because she tried to use her White Privilege to steal a bicycle from some black guys, and get the cops called on them to get them killed. Shock of all shocks, it turns out that that narrative was in fact a lie; the guys stole the bike from *her* and filmed her and released a video in order to smear her.

How the fraudulent narrative got going:


How it’s going:

She has apparently lost her job and been chased out of her home due to threats from the usual mob. A Gofundme has been set up to generate some living expenses… presumably, after her lawyer gets done reaming her former employer, she’ll be set for a good long time, but that will probably take a while.


Help Sarah Comrie fight being branded a “Karen”

Now here’s where I’m spit down the middle. The story as related above, if that was the sum total of it, would make Sarah the aggrieved party and fully worthy of sympathy. But this is what’s written on the Gofundme:

My name is Bob Roe, and this past Saturday, my niece, Sarah Comrie, a Physicians Assistant at Bellevue, became embroiled in a much-publicized incident with a Citibike that unfairly painted her as a racist “Karen.” The facts have since proven this is a lie, but the damage has been done. In fact, Sarah is a dedicated healthcare worker who is six months pregnant. She holds racial justice and equity dear, and has dedicated her life to serving NYC’s most challenged individuals. She does not wish to become a cause celebre, but the legal bills to save her livelihood and her reputation obviously are mounting. Please help!

Ummm… She holds racial justice and equity dear


Does she now. If that’s the case… she just got a good dose of racial justice and equity. She got what she holds dear. This would seem to make her about as sympathetic as the proud mayor of a “Sanctuary City” getting upset about all the buses of migrants showing up.


Now, I don’t know. Perhaps her uncle just made that up, spewing the sort of virtue signalling that far too many people think needs spewing in the futile hope of staving off the unthinking hordes of protestors. After Bud Light and Target and Ford and Miller Lite, I have lost the last little bit of patience I have for this nonsense.


 Posted by at 5:22 am
May 182023

If this doesn’t put a smile on your face… you and I are not the same.

Ex-Biden Nuclear Official Sam Brinton Arrested As ‘Fugitive From Justice’


Now looking for similar headlines with names such as “Swalwell,” “Schiff,” “Biden,” “Pelosi,” And “No, that other Biden.”

 Posted by at 4:44 pm
May 162023

A song from five years ago is now made relevant again by this news about the “Trump-Russia Collusion” narrative falling apart even more:

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe

As the kids say, it’s a “banger.”


It was produced by the same folks responsible for the Alex Jones “Gay Frogs” remix:




 Posted by at 4:58 am
May 152023

Whenever there’s an “incident,” no matter how horrifying, that can be used for political purposes, it *will* be used for political purposes. But sometimes those attempting to do so go about it in such a brazen and dishonest, yet bumblingly incompetent, manner that you just have to sit up and take notice.

For instance, the mass shooting in Allen, Texas. One of the first witnesses to dash before the cameras was one Fredd Steven Spainhouer, who said he rushed to render aid to the wounded, performing CPR on three of them.

He used this soapbox the argue against civil rights by way of disarming citizens:


He seemed to be out in front of cameras rather a lot. Turns out there’s a reason for that: he’s a Texas State Democrat Party Executive Committee member. It was an opportunity to not just tell his story, but to spin a political narrative. But there’s a problem,  one the Allen Police Department has gone public with: he’s lying.

His history is not exactly an exemplary one. He fits in with the Dems just right, I guess.


Police Say Democrat Activist Lied About Statements in Mass Shooting

He has also been indicted for tampering with government records, and terminated as a law enforcement officer.

 Posted by at 3:38 pm