Jul 242014

Less than a day left on these ebay auctions. Given the dearth of bids and watchers, it looks like not only will you be able to get them cheap, this’ll be your *only* chance to get them.



A while back I took a stab at printing cyanotype blueprints on canvas (the kind used by artists for painting on). After a rough start, I managed to get the process to work pretty well. It’s more complex and substantially more expensive than cyanotype printing on vellum paper, so I don’t know if I’ll make canvas blueprints available for regular sale like the paper versions. Still, I’ve put the first three successes on ebay if anyone is interested:

“Little Boy” atom bomb blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_004 WP_20140718_005 WP_20140718_006

“Fat Man” atom bomb blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_007 WP_20140718_008 WP_20140718_009

Dual Saturn V blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_001 WP_20140718_002 WP_20140718_003

 Posted by at 1:45 pm
Jul 182014

A while back I took a stab at printing cyanotype blueprints on canvas (the kind used by artists for painting on). After a rough start, I managed to get the process to work pretty well. It’s more complex and substantially more expensive than cyanotype printing on vellum paper, so I don’t know if I’ll make canvas blueprints available for regular sale like the paper versions. Still, I’ve put the first three successes on ebay if anyone is interested:

“Little Boy” atom bomb blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_004 WP_20140718_005 WP_20140718_006

“Fat Man” atom bomb blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_007 WP_20140718_008 WP_20140718_009

Dual Saturn V blueprint on canvas

WP_20140718_001 WP_20140718_002 WP_20140718_003

 Posted by at 9:47 am
Mar 062014

Twenty minutes or so ago, there I was, minding my own business, reading up on fusion microexplosions when a fargin stampede stampeded past my window. A trio of neighborhood horses had escaped their enclosure and, as always, ran to *my* back yard to commune with the horses that are already back there:



And while I’m out there taking pictures of them (because why not), there was one of those sounds that sounds *really* creepy: an air raid siren *waaaaaay* off in the distance. Seemed to be coming from over the hills to the west, from ATK. The siren ran for thirty seconds or so, then shut down. Time on the clock: 1PM, Thursday. And then the ICBM motor fired up. Holy crap, that was LOUD; it was a sound that sort of filled the world. Ran for 50 seconds or so and didn’t do the horses skittishness any favors. Several minutes later the exhaust plume finally popped up over the hills:



NOTE: for those few of you awaiting cyanotypes… check out the sky in these photos. This is what I’ve had to work with for *weeks.* The cyanotypes require strong, clear, consistent sunlight. Hasn’t been much of that lately.

 Posted by at 1:29 pm
Dec 052013

Just a reminder…

After hiatus, I am again offering cyanotype blueprints of various aerospace subjects on paper. These include the V-2, the Saturn Ib and V, the NERVA nuclear rocket, the Super Hustler, and many more.What says “Merry Christmas” better than a gift of a hand-made, awesome-looking large format cyanotype blueprint of a launch vehicle or nuclear bombardment system?

See the complete list here:


And while I’m not at liberty to go into the specifics, I recently provided a number of these to a certain ongoing major TV series to be used as set dressing/props. The episodes will air sometime early next spring, I believe. They should look marvelous…

 Posted by at 2:09 am
Dec 012013

I am in the process of reworking my web pages. Part of this is consolidating all the stuff into more compact, less graphically intense (and, I imagine, annoying) forms; part of this is standardizing the prices. All Aerospace Drawings are now only $3; all Aerospace Documents are only $4. The “canonical” catalog is now hosted on the aerospaceprojectsreview.com web page; the pages on up-ship.com/blog are obsolete and will be changed out ASAP.

The new Aerospace Drawings & Documents catalog (includes APR & USBP)

The new Cyanotype Blueprints catalog

 Posted by at 10:46 am
Jun 152013

NOTE: The cyanotypes have been put on hiatus. They may come back later; if interested, send an email.


I have several large format vellum cyanotype blueprints available. These are hand-made items, not run off on a machine. They are made using old cyanotyping techniques and chemicals, on a series of home-made frameworks. the end result is a true royal-blue “blueprint” on vellum paper… with the same appearance and feel of a vintage blueprint.

I’ve made a few of each;  once these are sold out, further prints will be made on demand, so there might be a bit of a delay. The sizes given are of the whole sheet of paper; the diagram itself is a bit smaller, and can be trimmed if you wish. Prints will be shipped rolled.

In order to simplify things, there are two postage options: US and non-US. Doesn’t matter how many of these you get, the one postage fee is all you need to pay (so it makes sense to order a whole bunch of prints at once).
US postage: $6


non-US postage: $14


18X32 Early Dyna Soar layout diagram: $50.00

blue early x-20


18X24 German A-4 (V-2) rocket engine: $40

blue a4 engine


18X24 German A-4 (V-2) layout: $40

blue a4



~24X60 X-20 Dyna Soar layout: $100

A layout diagram of the final version of the Dyna soar, Model 2050E. Same size as scanned original (which was apparently a half-size version of the original original).

blue x-20



24X37 Super Hustler (Mach 4 parasite bomber concept): $70

blue super hustler


~12X73 Saturn V (1/72 scale): $75

blue sat v - x-24c - sat ib


12×31 X-24C/L301: $30

blue x-24c


~12×44 Saturn Ib (1/72 scale): $40

blue sat ib


9×24 NERVA art: $20nervaartlarge


24X24 X-20 Dyna Soar/Titan IIIc (1/100 scale): $45




24×31 Wasserfall layout diagram: $60




12×42 NERVA diagram (two are shown below): $40




12X43 Medium V-2 (A-4) cutaway (two are shown below): $40




18X62: Large V-2 (A-4) cutaway: $100.00



 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Jun 042013

Large format cyanotype blueprints on vellum are now a reality. The production techniques and hardware are in place; I’ve made a number of Saturn Ib, Saturn V, Dyna Soar, Super Hustler, X-24C, etc. prints. The only hitch at the moment is a labor intensive and damned annoying system of drying the prints. I need to locate large sheets of fiberboard or cardboard to press the wet sheets in while they dry to keep them from curling. This has worked well for smaller sheets (such as 18X24), now I need to scale it up to 24X72.


The large format prints look *spectacular.*

 Posted by at 8:00 pm