May 212020

Modern firearms are by and large fantastic devices. Engineering masterpieces based on centuries of learning and advancement, they tend to be built cost effectively to accurately and reliably send a bullet to a target, a function with many valid purposes from hunting to entertainment to sport to home/auto/self defense, to assuring that a government does not have a monopoly on violence and power. Unfortunately, sometimes some populations allow themselves to be mastered by a political class that does not want the people to be able to defend themselves, and modern firearms are banned.

When guns are outlawed, it is an established fact that outlaws still get them. But the law abiding are in a bind if they want to continue to practice this most basic of human rights. They can move somewhere where civil liberties are still protected (not always possible), or they can become outlaws, or they can simply give up their rights and their self respect. or they can come up with some sort of still-legal workaround. The video below shows one sort of loophole, based on some really quite clever engineering. The heartbreak, of course, is that the cleverly engineered system is still much more expensive than a real firearm and far, far less effective in every sense than a real firearm. Better by far to simply not give up your civil and human rights in the first place.


 Posted by at 12:06 am
May 162020

Draconian anti-free speech laws in Germany? That’s unpossible!

Burning EU and other flags can now bring German jail term

And by “jail term” they mean three years in prison for “hate crimes.”

The law covers not just burning but “defiling” flags. And not just flags, but also the EU’s anthem, Beethovens “Ode to Joy.” I’m unclear how one would go about burning music apart from the actual sheet music or CD’s or something. But I suppose defilement of Ode To Joy being illegal might mean that performances such as these are now illegal in Germany. So play ’em loud and proud, Germanylanders:





 Posted by at 2:30 pm
May 132020

Mayor says ‘LA will NEVER be completely open until we have a coronavirus cure’ in stark warning

Until they have a cure. A cure for a freakin’ virus akin tot he seasonal flu. You know, the virus they’ve been trying to cure for a thousand  years with little to no hope of actually curing?

Well, at last now we know: at least some of the politicians out there are actually aliens that inhabit the brains of the bodies of our dead.

I for one welcome our new reality bending squishy alien overlords, and look forward to reading their authoritarian newsletters.

 Posted by at 5:20 pm
May 052020

Guys. GUYS. I know Disney done farked up Star Wars, but arresting girls dressed as Stormtroopers because you’re all askeered of their fake plastic blasters? Not the way to earn your way into Cophalla.

Star Wars Day promotion goes awry after LPS arrests employee in stormtrooper costume


 Posted by at 1:26 pm
May 032020

What’s the best response to massive and blatant governmental overreach, using the Pinko Pox to acquire totalitarian powers with draconian punishments for trivial offenses? I’m not sure, but here’s a foul-mouthed Australian going on about some remarkable incidents down Oz way:

Bonus round:

Coronavirus: Arrests over ‘disgusting’ racist Covid-19 stickers

Apparently it’s racist to point out that at the same time the government is forcing the native population to hunker down in fear they’re also arresting people for suggesting that maybe the borders should be closed to the importation of untold numbers of people carrying Odin knows what.

 Posted by at 10:08 am
Apr 142020

Ello, ello…

A picnic? That’s done it for you, guvna!


Don’t give American governors ideas, mate.

If’n the above tweets don’t appear, read about ’em here:

UK Police face online backlash about Orwellian ‘hiding in the shadows’ tweet

 Posted by at 6:09 pm
Apr 072020

Schumer’s Sad Attempt to Wear a Face Mask Goes Viral

Photos Show Congressional Democrats Can’t Figure Out How to Put on Their Own Face Masks

Bonus round:

 Posted by at 6:51 pm
Mar 242020

A *lot* of people are losing and will lose their jobs. For the most part, this is a Bad Thing for society. But on the other hand, there are a number of people who *should* lose their jobs due to the pandemic. Or, rather, due to their near-treasonous response to it. Behold:

Pelosi’s Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Mentions ‘Diversity’ 32 Times


“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told lawmakers


Pelosi’s coronavirus stimulus package includes $300M for migrants and refugees

GOP details Pelosi’s $2.5 trillion ‘socialist wish list’ in coronavirus aid package

The economy is on the edge of utter collapse, the population is on the edge of massive infection with a virus with around a 1% mortality rate. And these jackholes crank out a 1,400 page bill that would do such vital things as mandating that airlines become carbon neutral (which would probably kill an industry that is likely to stagger anyway), and paying off ten grand of student loans for each student who unwisely took loans they couldn’t afford to pay back, and installing union officials (i.e. organized crime and/or government stooges) onto corporate boards as well as enforced “diversity,” and who knows what all else because the damn thing is 1,400 pages long.

This nonsense is calculated to torpedo any bill meant to try to rescue the economy. Just remember, this crap is more important to these people than keeping a nation from economic collapse.

Frogmarches are appropriate here.

 Posted by at 1:03 pm