Aug 092014

OK, first there was this bit of whiny hand-wringing:

Smiling Young White People Make App for Avoiding Black Neighborhoods

The “app” under discussion is called “Sketchy.” What it does is collate local crime data and tells you what neighborhoods are more or less crime-riddled, i.e. “sketchy.” It seems a reasonable enough sort of app to have if you are going to visit some city that you are unfamiliar with. As everyone knows, every sizable city *does* have sections that are higher or lower in crime, and if you are a stranger, it might be unwise to go wandering into The Bad Part Of Town. But this idea bothers some people, such as the author of the piece (one Sam Biddle), who bleated:

Is there any way to keep white people from using computers, before this whole planet is ruined? I ask because the two enterprising white entrepreneurs above just made yet another app for avoiding non-white areas of your town—and it’s really taking off!

The app doesn’t factor in local ethnicities, just the crime rates. That Biddle equates “crime” with “non-white” says more about *him* than the makers of the app, I would think.

Anyway, over the past day or two this opinion piece has gained some notoriety online, as happens often enough. But spectacularly, a local news crew decided to actually procure and use the app. WUSA9 sent a film crew into a “sketchy” neighborhood and, well…

WUSA9 Crew vehicle burglarized in DC

The crew had locked their news van on a street in Petworth in Northwest, D.C. while they were out in the neighborhood conducting interviews. When they returned they found the lock had been popped out of the door of their news van, and that the most of the crew’s gear had been stolen.

So… it would seem that the app does *precisely* what it says it’s supposed to do.


 Posted by at 11:27 pm
Aug 072014

There is a lesson here. Several, probably. One is that power corrupts. Another is that people with *lots* of power should probably wield it wisely, lest they give those with lesser power the notion that unwise wieldature of power is just fine.

Cop: We don’t follow Constitution because Obama doesn’t

“Obama has decimated the friggin’ constitution, so I don’t give a damn,” says Recine, a retired Franklin cop. “Because if he doesn’t follow the Constitution we don’t have to.”


 Posted by at 6:27 pm
Jul 252014

There’s some sort of allegory for Washington politics here…

Former contractor says she was attacked by rats at DC’s Providence Hospital

Excitingly, the rodents are gnawing upon the bodies of the dead in the hospital morgue:

“They were going into places like the anal area, the vaginal area, the pubic area of the males,” Doris Kennard said. “That’s where they would get in.”


 Posted by at 9:45 am
Jul 182014

Juuuuust a bit of a different tone.


[youtube Z7d3zg_LZNo]

Back in the day:

[youtube 9VA4W1wDMAk]

Thirty years ago, it was a “massacre” and a “crime against humanity” that “must never be forgotten,” “violating every concept of human rights.” Yesterday, “it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy.” And then he proceeds to blow off allies (“our first priority” was to “determine if there were American citizens on board”), tell jokes and fundraise.

 Posted by at 9:09 am
Jul 062014

Now, this summary of reviews of the recent documentary “America” is interesting and amusing:


In short, only 12% of professional movie critics liked it, while 82% of the regular schmoes who actually went to see it of their own volition liked it. On the one hand, it shows the sort of divide we’ve come to expect in the country. On the other hand, it’s really not that surprising. A movie like this – with an avowed and unabashed “America is a pretty great place” message – is bound to attract the sort of people who will agree with that message, and so long as the movie is competent, will probably like it. Movie critics, on the other hand, *live* in a world of pretend and make-believe, and thus “America is good” is a message they’re just not going to be able to readily process.

My own review: it was ok.Parts of it were good and important, such as calling out scumbags like Alinsky and Zinn and Ayers and Ward Churchill (who admitted on camera that he’d basically like to see the US nuked out of existence), but seemed kinda flat much of the time. An opportunity was lost in that the movie didn’t really match the title: “America: Imagine the World Without Her.” To me, this *screams* of alternate history. And it does start out with a “historical re-enactment” that takes a counter-factual turn. But it doesn’t really follow up on that. It could easily have filled several hours showing a world where America failed in some way… lost the Revolution, fell apart in the War of Southern Aggression, fell to Wilsonian national socialism, the Nazis got the bomb first, etc. Oh, well.

But if you want a primer on where the modern American anti-America movement came from, or if you want to drag a lefty pal to a flick they’ll just hate, then this is the flick for you.

There’s also a book (which I haven’t read):


 Posted by at 4:29 pm
Jul 012014

So, the Supreme Court decided that Hobby Lobby, a family owned business, *can* refuse to provide abortifactants to its employees due to the fact that the family that owns the corporation has a bit of a religious issue with killing babies (or “abortion,” if you prefer). That’s *all* the ruling says… Hobby Lobby cannot be forced to pay for abortion drugs. That’s it. The ruling doesn’t say that Hobby Lobby can prevent its employees from buying those drugs *themselves.” The ruling doesn’t say that Hobby Lobby can force anyone to carry babies to term. Just… *you* can’t force Hobby Lobby to buy something they don’t want. That’s it.

But oh, no, not if you read *this* steaming pile of crazed idiocy:

Why Women Aren’t People (But Corporations Are)

With such highlights as:

The decision to declare women Unpeople…

…women (lesser people-ish entities)…

Today, five men on the Supreme Court said that women’s reproductive health care is less important than a woman’s boss’s superstition-based prudery and moral trepidation about fornication for female pleasure.

They ruled that it’s okay for a corporate person to discriminate against a female semi-person and dictate that she not spend her compensation on stuff that might possibly be enabling sex without consequences…

This piece has over 1600 comments. I just glanced through a tiny fraction of them, and the general consensus seems to be that not having your employer pay for *everything* is the greatest human rights travesty since slavery.

LuftWaffleErin Gloria Ryan

I sometimes feel like women won’t be taken seriously as actual human beings until we start getting really violent and nasty. In the short-term, we’ll be seen as “unstable bitches.” But if we start inflicting the kind of terror on these men that they inflict on us, maybe they’ll start seeing us equals. Ladies, let’s start committing some violent crimes!


ClestestiErin Gloria Ryan

F**k Scalia, f**k Thomas, f**k Roberts, f**k Alito, they need to die, and Kennedy needs to be at the very least beaten unconscious. This is literally the WORST thing EVER to come out of the supreme court.

How the hell can we have a civil society if people cannot even be *vaguely* honest about what the hell is going on? You’ve got freaks screaming about wanting to commit acts of violence because they’re not getting free stuff.

 Posted by at 1:23 am
Jun 122014

The claim is made that the maker of the infamous “Innocence of Muslims” video that ticked off the Islamic world – and was incorrectly blamed for the jihadist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi – is not a Coptic Christian as has been long reported, but instead is a self-professed Muslim:

Filmmaker ‘Behind The Benghazi Attack’ Found To Be A CONFIRMED MUSLIM Agent Who Worked With US Government

Take it with a grain of salt. The site seems kinda… well, let’s go with “slanted,” and the evidence slim, especially with the claim that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula made the film in order to rile up the Muslim world in sort of a “false flag” operation to let the Obama regime make criticism of Islam a crime.

Can I see Obama *wanting* to pull a scheme like this? Maybe. But as the last five years have shown, the guy’s just not *competent* enough to get even this far.

 Posted by at 4:39 pm
Jun 112014

Babies pay for Detroit’s fall with mortality above Mexico

Infant mortality in Detroit (15 deaths per 1,000 live births) in 2012 was higher than in China (12), Mexico (14) and Thailand (11).

One of the more interesting lines was this:

Men in the city are “out of control. Most of them don’t have jobs, most of them couldn’t provide.

I believe a valid question is: in a place where things are so bad that infants are dropping dead at a high rate, if an adult doesn’t have a job and they can’t provide… why are they not starving to death?

 Posted by at 10:52 am
May 312014

Detroit is coming back! Google Street View lets you check out the same places over a span of years, and the progress has been remarkable. You can check out a number of these fantastic images of progress HERE.

Now who could argue that the policies of Detroits fine leadership over the past few decades has been anything other than inspired?



 Posted by at 8:42 am