Aug 292020

A video worth watching:

The narrative that he’s a murderer sure seems ill-supported by the facts.

Bonus round:

Nick Sandmann’s Attorney Lin Wood Takes 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s Defense Pro Bono

This is the lawyer who sued (so far, successfully) the bejeebers out of a number of media outlets for libel and slander for claiming that Nick Sandmann was a smug racist when he was in fact the victim. And on *that* note…

As Kenosha rifleman gets legal aid, online vigilantes ARCHIVE tweets for defamation suits likely to come

For example:

Assuming that the video evidence and testimonies so far given continue to be unrefuted *and* Rittenhouse doesn’t get railroaded… Representative Pressley could wind up paying for Rittenhouse’s *everything* from here on out.

 Posted by at 2:01 am
Aug 252020

We’ve recently seen the insurrectionists using electronic devices from lasers to bullhorns as weapons against the police and the citizenry. It occurs to me that a discussion may be had about countermeasures: what portable device can a person have on their person that could be used to disable electronic weapons? If, say, someone were to don the Antifa uniform – black clothes, face mask, dark glasses, hoodie and/or helmet – they could wander more or less freely through the crowd of commies. If they had a bullhorn neutralizer in their backpack, it might not need to be obvious that it was in operation. What the range and true capability of such a mechanism could be, I don’t know, but it seems like it would be interesting to speculate about. Any device strong enough to shut down something as straightforward as a bullhorn would seem likely to do untold damage to GoPros and cell phones as well. The following vids show home made devices that generate EMPs that work at *very* close range to shut down electronics, but I would expect that professional devices could have longer range and directionality.

These things are also LOUD, which could be an issue.

For anti-bullhorn use, melting down the electronics might not be the only approach. Somehow over-riding it, so that it sends out nothing but static, or *your* *own* *messages* could be useful as well. This might be a case of powerful radio transmissions rather than EMP. Dunno. Thoughts? Ideas?

 Posted by at 11:46 pm
Aug 082020

Gun-Wielding Protesters Point Weapons At Motorists, Indianapolis Leaders Stay Silent

If anybody has a rational explanation of what these people think they’ll accomplish, I’d love to hear it.

What we have here are two – at least two – “people” willing to commit murder in order to control who gets to drive down a public street. If this was the fascist state these lying scumbags claim it is, they’d have had their brains beaten out by the local constabulary. Instead, they’re allowed to do this at will. This sort of thing metastasizes, and will lead to nationwide disaster.

Once again, imagine instead of a left wing crazy doing this, we had us a MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter using firearms to terrorize the public. Hell, we don’t really have to image. The McCloskeys in St. Louis wielded inoperable firearms to shoo off thugs from their own private property, and the local prosecutor has gone after *them* rather than the trespassers, going so far as to commit what sure looks like prosecutable fraud in order to do so.


 Posted by at 7:04 pm
Aug 022020

As we’ve recently seen, leftist “peaceful protestors” have decided that it is a good idea to use bright green lasers to attempt to permanently blind cops and federal agents. Once you open a particular can of worms, though, you open the way for those worms to be dumped on *you.* Don’t be surprised if the feds show up with something like this, a 200 watt ultraviolet “melt your retinas in milliseconds” laser.

This was made by one YouTuber with a crappy $1500 Chinese laser. *Imagine* what the FBI could field, especially if they were as fascistic as the fascist LARPers in Antifa claim they are.

 Posted by at 3:07 am
Jul 252020

It does, however, answer the question about whether of not they’ve got actual real firearms and not just a bunch of airsoft toys.

Louisville protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots members of his group, injuring 3

This is the black supremacist NFAC cult, previously discussed when they marched to Stone Mountain and demanded their own ethnostate such as Texas.

Notice how these anti-police protestors are pretty fargin’ quick to let the police help when they start shooting each other.



 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Jul 252020

Ever since the feds actually started arresting a tiny fraction of the violent rioters tearing apart cities like Portland, the riot-enablers have started screeching that *this* is the fascist government that gun-nuts have been paranoid about, and that they should charge into the cities to stand side-by-side with the Marxists and black supremacists.  This view has even appeared on this blog in the comments section.

Here is a good response to that view, written a month and a half ago:

Where are all you gun owners now?

It’s a somewhat lengthy rant, but it boils down to:

Snort. ᚠᚢᚳk off. 😃

The two main points are:

1) The people whining about the lack of gun enthusiasts coming to their aid are the same ones who have spent their lives whining about the *existence* of gun enthusiasts.

2) Who started this? Wasn’t the gun enthusiasts, but the gun grabbers.

The rioters are using kinetic energy weapons, beam weapons and chemical combustion weapons in an effort to cause damage, injuries and death. A lot of this is aimed at local businesses and local government; the local governments should therefore send in the police and National Guard to quell the insurrections. But in some cases, such as Portland, they’re not. The reasons for this are utterly baffling given that the insurrection would happily behead the local government officials who are protecting and enabling them. But the same Marxist motherᚠᚢᚳkers are also using the same tactics and weapons against *Federal* sites. The United States has seen this before… an insurrection of criminals and villains trying to take down a Federal facility. One time that site was called “Fort Sumter,” and the end result wasn’t so good for the insurrectionists or their cause, and few rational people argue that the Feds were wrong to respond.

So, rather than an army of gun enthusiasts marching into Portland to stand should to shoulder with the same ill-bred, ill-educated ill-thinking morons who have spent generations mocking them, the gun enthusiasts should stand on the sidewalks and wave little American flags as todays General Sherman marches into Portland and lays a beatdown on the Rebs.

For todays average American “right winger,” “conservative,” “libertarian,” etc., privately owned firearms are there generally for the purpose of protecting against criminality. For the far left, though, firearms (and other weapons) are there for the purpose of *enabling* criminality. These are not compatible world views.

 Posted by at 10:40 am