Jan 162021

Well, this is a little odd…

It looks cumbersome (especially fast reloading), probably heavy and definitely nose-heavy… but it also looks entertaining. Fifty rounds of meaningfulness on tap is not to be sneezed at; but if the standard magazine that fits this thing – the same 50-round magazine that fits the P-90 – gets banned for being “high capacity,” then the value of this gun will be strictly limited. MSRP of $995, said to start shipping in March.

I look forward to the concealed carry holster for this.



 Posted by at 2:43 pm
Jan 152021

A year and a bit ago some info came out about the then- forthcoming zero-gravity first person shooter “Boundary.” There have been updates since then, including release of the game. The animation, especially in the trailer, is *fantastic*, included slo-mo scenes of a space-modded AK-47 not only firing but flexing in the way actual guns do. This game was produced by the Chinese, so feel free to auto-fill what that might mean. Buy it, your money goes to Hunter Biden’s paymasters. Play it online, Beijing gets to watch. Is there subtle (or not so subtle) pro-CCP propaganda embedded within it? Who knows. but it looks freakin’ *gorgeous.* The USSF should tear the code apart, strip out the doubtless abundant Chinese naughtiness, rework it into rah-rah pro-USSF propaganda. “Fight the ChiComs in space!” “Defend US space assets from space pirates!” Add in things like Dragon and Starship. For extra awesomeness, a USSF Orion. No, not that overpriced capsule… the *real* Orion.

Almost makes me want to try to get back into Pax Orionis… now *that* might make a dandy video game.





 Posted by at 3:03 pm
Jan 062021

Oddly enough, this one is nothing about politics.

Sometime in the 1980s, a very young version of me came across a then-current magazine article on the OSS “Bigot,” a modification of the 1911 pistol to fire darts rather than bullets. The point was that this WWII-era weapon would be very quiet compared to the standard 1911 and could be used for taking out sentries and the like. Problem was it apparently didn’t work all that well and a suppressor was a lot more sensible. Still, the vague memory of that magazine article has irritatingly stuck with me for decades. As memory serves it had a number of large, possibly full-scale photos of the hardware. Repeated efforts to find it again have failed. It might have been in something like “Soldier of Fortune” or some similar terribly 80’s sort of magazine. Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?

NOTE: “Forgotten Weapons” video about the Bigot with extra audio awesomeness. Go on, guess what it is…

 Posted by at 9:30 pm
Dec 282020

So a guy buys a Legal Thing. But he made the mistake of living in California. And he decided to obey the bizarre California law regarding that Legal Thing and register that Legal Thing with the state. What does the state do? Send a platoon of police with a warrant to tear his house apart looking for that Legal Thing. And when they find that Legal thing? They look at it, decide that it is indeed a Legal Thing, give it back and leave.


So… when the Gropey Manchurian takes over and tells everyone that they have to register their Legal Things with the government… will it actually be a good idea to do so, knowing what the government is likely to do  now that they know you have that Legal Thing?

 Posted by at 5:33 pm
Dec 242020

A “slam fire” shotgun is about as simple as a firearm can get while still being effective. It’s not something you’re want to take into combat… but like the old WWII-era “Liberator” pistol, it’s the sort of thing that you could use to upgrade your armaments if the need came.

Some are *really* simple and would be very difficult to spot as a firearm:

Others are much more complex and are clearly firearms:





 Posted by at 3:24 pm
Dec 242020

Or at the very least a  temporary backing off from bad news:

ATF Withdraws Pistol Brace “Guidance”

Don’t expect this to last. They’ll try again soon enough; hell, in a month Uncle Sniffy the Gropey Manchurian may well start tossing out executive orders mandating the same thing the ATF wanted to do anyway. And if January 6 goes the way I kinda expect it will, then all that’ll stand between the Feds and the citizens will be a shaky Supreme Court… which may well get packed anyway.

 Posted by at 12:48 am
Dec 162020

Second important news item of the day. It seems that not only is the ATF going after owners of legally purchased 80% lowers, they may soon be going after owners of legally purchased pistol braces. There are a *lot* of them out there. You may very well know someone who owns one or more. Someone who might soon find themselves the owner of an unregistered Short Barreled Rifle, which means – HUZZAH! – a raid by the ATF and a term in federal prison. For owning something they bought legally.

ATF to Institute Rulemaking Regarding Stabilizing Braces and Require Registration of Currently Owned Braces

A more optimistic – yet still quite pessimistic – view of the situation here:

No, Pistol Braces Are NOT Banned . . . But ATF Is Attempting Further Restrictions


 Posted by at 9:10 pm
Dec 162020

Biden isn’t even in office yet and the ATF is already going nuts with UNLIMITED POWER. They are now going after private citizens for having legally purchased legal items. Even right now, an 80% lower is not considered a firearm… but the ATF is knocking on doors and demanding that they be turned over as illegal firearms.

If you’ve purchased a “Polymer80” “Build Buy Shoot” kit, get ready for a visit from the Federal government.

Stamps.com & Authorize.net Rat-Out Polymer80’s Customers, ATF Raid Reason ~ VIDEO


 Posted by at 3:38 pm