Jul 062021

Biden has famously said that he wants to strip Americans of their semi-automatic rifles. And yet… his administration just gave the Taliban a bunch of mortars, missiles and fully automatic weapons.


‘No compromises’ Terrifying footage shows Taliban with brand new US weapons and vehicles

Alternative explanation: Biden, rather than being a senile old fool, is actually a secret strategic genius. With the US fleeing Afghanistan, it’s a safe bet that China may try to move in. Pre-arm the local nuts to make things hell for the “People’s” army that will soon arrive.

 Posted by at 3:49 am
Jul 022021

On January 6 of this year, Capitol Hill protestor Ashli Babbit – who apparently posed a threat to the US government despite being armed with neither an F-15 nor a nuclear weapon – was shot dead. The shooter has remained anonymous in the larger media, but was apparently made public back in April:

Capitol Cop Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt Identified

The cop in question is quite a piece of work. For instance:

You can see him in the background. A blurry closeup:

Note how he is pointing his pistol at staffers and security folk. Notice how he also has his finger on the trigger. Both of these are Very Bad Things.

But wait! There’s more! From 2019, there was this news article about apparently the same guy:

US Capitol police officer walks out of bathroom without his pistol – and now is under review, report says

Four people died that day. Two from natural causes, one from an accident, and one was summarily executed. No charges will be brought against the executioner… but I can see lawsuits galore.

Bonus round: imagine the exact same events, but place this back when leftists tried to storm the Supreme Court to overturn the law of the land during the Kavenaugh hearings. And then reverse the color values. How big of a story would it be *then*?

 Posted by at 2:33 pm
Jun 242021

This would be more impressive with nukes:

Full Ship Shock Trials – Event 1

The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) completes the first scheduled explosive event of Full Ship Shock Trials while underway in the Atlantic Ocean, June 18, 2021. The U.S. Navy conducts shock trials of new ship designs using live explosives to confirm that our warships can continue to meet demanding mission requirements under harsh conditions they might encounter in battle.


 Posted by at 6:58 pm
Jun 242021


Biden touts new crime prevention strategy focused on gun control

“Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” Biden said. “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

Considering that the whole point of the Second Amendment is to make sure the people can take on a tyrannical government, Biden just admitted that the National Firearms Act is unconstitutional. I *really* hope that this gets before the USSC.

I’d love to see “the Biden Act” get passed that wipes away all the nonsensical gun control laws and restores the Constitutional rights of the citizenry. The downside of that would be that the ammo shortage we’ve got now would be *nothing* compared to what it will be when people can go to WalMart and get themselves a full auto MP5, go to the gun range and blow through a few hundred rounds in under a minute. All thanks to one demented old kiddysniffer accidentally speaking some truth…

Huge Spike In Americans Buying F-15s After Biden Suggests You’ll Need Them To Overthrow Government

The nation scrambled to buy F-15s and nuclear weapons after President Biden said in a speech Wednesday that you’ll never beat a government unless you have the fighter jets and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

All over the nation, American citizens were seen parking their brand-new F-15s in their driveways and garages. Some wealthier Americans purchased the F-22, while less fortunate citizens were forced to buy the F-35 joint fighter. But no matter what craft they chose, American citizens said they were just glad to finally be protected against a tyrannical government.

Image below not related. Or…. is it?

 Posted by at 4:52 am
Jun 212021

Completely not to my surprise, the Ninth Circuit issued a stay on making the state of California recognize the Constitutional rights of its citizens. The Ninth has not actually ruled on this issue yet, but the fact that they’ve come down with this “go on and keep infringing basic rights” decision is a pretty clear sign of where they are likely to go.

9th Circuit Grants Stay On Lifting California’s Assault Weapon Ban

The Ninth will start hearing oral arguments on June 22 (tomorrow). Whichever way the Ninth ends up ruling, the case will almost certainly be appealed to the Supreme Court.

 Posted by at 9:00 pm
Jun 162021

Seems like this should’ve been standard from the get-go:

 Posted by at 1:43 pm
Jun 052021

A judge recognizes the Constitution:

The state government reacts as you might expect: “think of the children!”

It’s interesting… as the Biden-Harris cabal continues to claim to want to delete the Second Amendment, more and more states and judges are preemptively going “nah.”

 Posted by at 10:26 am