Aug 032021

Unalloyed good news:

Missouri governor pardons gun-waving St. Louis lawyer couple

The McCloskeys were spotted daring to defend their home from a band of racist Marxism enablers a bit over a year ago. They, like the Kenosha Kid, should never have been charged with a crime; the fact that they were shows quite clearly the corruption that stains many district attorneys and prosecutors.


Mixed good/bad news:

Ammunition shelves bare as U.S. gun sales continue to soar

Bad news: continuing ammo shortage. Good news; continuing gun sales.

As the article mentions, the lack of ammo hampers first time gun owners from practicing. A modest suggestion: the US military manufactures its own ammo, and has a pretty massive stockpile; now that we’re bailing from Afghanistan, there is not so much immediate need. Perhaps the US government could do the right thing and start handing out free crates of ammunition to gun owners with clean criminal records. Certainly a better use of government resources than enforcing bans on evicting deadbeats.

 Posted by at 6:41 pm
Jul 232021

Politifact, a “fact checking” site, claims without evidence that:

No, Joe Biden doesn’t want to ban handguns

The gaslighting is spectacular. The article even quotes Biden:

“The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous. I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.”

Politifact claims that this means “only” that President Elder Abuse wants to ban magazines. But he specifically said that he’s pushing to ban weapons that “have the ability” to fire twenty rounds. Bypassing the obvious point that even a single-shot flintlock can fire twenty rounds (it’ll take a quarter hours to do it, but you can do it), there are easily available 20 and 30 round magazines for common handguns. There are drum magazines you can plug into your Glock that hold 50 rounds. This means that your average handgun “can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon” which means Biden wants to ban it.

So either Politifact is lying or Biden is.

Here’s a 20-round magazine for a .45.

Here’s a 40-round drum for a .45.

Here’s a 50-round drum for a .40 Glock.

Here’s a 50-round drum for a 9mm Glock.

 Posted by at 3:45 pm
Jul 222021

The only way crime is down is through the magic of declaring arson and shoplifting and such as no longer crimes.

The one good thing about this is that the demented old fool isn’t really drawing crowds anymore. it seems people aren’t buying his BS:

Look at him go!

 Posted by at 12:55 am
Jul 202021

They say you can never have too much gun… but, jeez, 700 Nitro Express seems like it just might be Too Much Gun.


His dad is A Man, that’s for sure. He does point out that he would not shoot this for recreation. But taking down fithp? Just the thing.

 Posted by at 12:26 pm
Jul 142021

The National Museum of the USAF has recently posted some interesting videos of their XB-70. Something the museum seems to be doing is filming their exhibits using drones; the angles aren’t always the best, but they do provide angles rarely seen before.







 Posted by at 4:43 pm
Jul 132021

Two-thirds of the court, anyway:

Handgun sale ban to under 21-year-olds is unconstitutional, appeals court says

If you are 18, the United States Federal Freakin’ Government can come along and draft your ass and put a gun in your hands and drop you behind enemy lines… but there are those in the government who think that a 20-year-old should not be allowed to have a pistol of their own.

A 19-year-old, to these people, is not responsible enough to own a small firearm… but, sure, put a 16-year-old behind a two-ton chunk of metal capable of a hundred miles an hour.

If an 18-year-old is not old enough to handle their full Constitutional rights… why are they allowed to vote?

Anyway… the 4th US Circuit Court Of Appeals ruled two to one that the Constitution applies to 18-year-olds. Of the three judges, one was appointed by Trump, one by Dubya, and one by Obama. Guess which one thinks that the Constitution is just a set of vague guidelines, not rules restraining government power?

 Posted by at 6:50 pm