Sep 182022

It *seems* that Russia has pulled a fair amount of the air defense missile systems from St. Petersburg to transfer them to Ukraine. But wait! Wasn’t the whole point of the war that Ukraine joining NATO was a major threat to Russia? If so… St. Petersburg is not only real close to NATO member Estonia, it’s real close to *Finland,* which, thanks to the war, is now joining NATO. So… shouldn’t the Russians be kinda worried about an immanent attack on their second most important city from eeeeeeviiiiil forces of NATO?


Exclusive: Russia moves missiles from St Petersburg to Ukraine

Satellite images reveal that both mobile firing platforms and missiles disappeared during the summer from a base in the Zelenogorsk (Terijoki) area on the Karelian Isthmus, northwest of St Petersburg, among others.

The transfer of equipment has not previously been publicly reported in Russia or western countries.

St Petersburg—Russia’s second-most important city—has long been surrounded by a protective ring of 14 anti-aircraft missile bases. Now several of them stand empty.


 Posted by at 1:15 pm
Sep 182022

High population densities with lax law enforcement and no throwing of loons into bins: not even once.

McDonald’s ax swinger had just been ‘rejected’ by woman, witness says


 Posted by at 10:49 am
Sep 142022

A wholly remarkable shooting caught on camera by a bystander. A crazed guy was shot at point blank range by a cop *twelve* times in the chest before he went down. So, yeah, I’m keeping my standard capacity mags, thanks.





 Posted by at 8:55 am
Sep 112022

Entertaining as always, but with a healthy dose of WTFery when he discusses the condition of the Moskva prior to being attacked. It’s… kinda astonishing. A ship that on paper was damned impressive, capable of dishing out heaps of violence, and able to defend itself from heaps of violence, turned out to be almost wholly inoperable. With an unforeseen diversion into the One True Cross, because apparently a chunk of it was on the Moskva. Whoopsie.

 Posted by at 5:55 pm
Sep 062022

If this is true, it speaks volumes about the Russian military:

Russia buys North Korean weapons, says US intelligence

“IF” being an important word there. This could be true; it could be false. If it’s false, it could be:

1) Western intelligence disinformation (not clear what the point of that would be)

2)  Western intelligence misunderstanding/mistake (believable if it’s the same nitwits who plunged the world into the Biden Recession thanks to RussiaGate)

3) It’s actually Chinese weaponry, but filtered through North Korea because… reasons.

Buying North Korean weapons is a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions on North Korea. I suspect Putin doesn’t care. I guess I’d more or less trust Nork artillery shells to generally work, but I’d be leery of any missiles. Of coourse, it would be the height of jocular hijinks to sneak into the Nork shipments and tinker with the artillery shells so that every now and then they detonate immediately. A reasonable chuckle will be had by all!

 Posted by at 1:53 pm
Aug 312022

Spectacular. Lies *and* threats.

Relevant memes to follow.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 3:49 pm
Aug 312022

In “Jaws,” the Sheriff takes out the shark by shooting a SCUBA tank with an M-1 Garand. The tank, clenched in the sharks jaws, kerplodes and shreds the Shark. Many years later Mythbusters tried to do the same thing, with the result that nothing much happened: holes were poked in the tank and it quickly blew down, but didn’t explode. Myth busted.

But then… GunTuber Edwin Sarkissian put an oxygen tank in a safe and shot through them with a .50 BMG rifle. The results were energetic and nearly Kentucky Ballistics in their effect. “Put a thumb in it” would not have been sufficient.


Not entirely relevant: restoration of a Pakistani home-made Kalashnikov 12-gauge shotgun, left in a wall for a number of years and rusted badly. Back when I lived in a free state I had a 12-gauge AK, and it was fun as hell to shoot… but you couldn’t pay me enough to pull the trigger on this thing.

 Posted by at 12:48 am